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  1. Default How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    How to raise your ELO 101 - An SP Community Guide

    Hey-o and welcome to this guide. This was made by combining the minds of the Chinchillian race of SouthPerrians and giving everyone and ourselves constant tips and reminders on how to fare well in Low Elo (Sub 1200) to High Elo (2100 and beyond) and to keep us constantly with the meta.

    Tips from the Pros:

    Tips are the best thing, especially from highly skilled players and their teammates. DoubleLift (a.k.a 2xLift, LiftLift) has been known to be one of the best AD carries in the game and very helpful to newer players. Others examples of helpful Pro AD carry players include, but aren't limited to: Chaox, Double Lift (more to come when I get there, and hyper-links as well).

    DoubleLift Tip box

    Tips from individual players of SouthPerry:



    Original Concept:
    I thought it would be a great thing that we would have notes and tads of information to help each other in ranked games. Other than the typical "be a team player" aspect, we should add real tips.

    Such as for example: Jungle Timers, The OP Flavor of the Week, The Counter to Sustain Lane and Burst Lane, AD & Support Senergy, The YOU SHOULD ALWAYS DUO rule, etc.

    When and if we get any tips we should fill this front page with info and get this ball rolling to help us help everyone help us all.
    Last edited by Derosis; 2012-09-17 at 01:48 PM.

  2. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    Play a champ that can carry the team. As long as the other 4 aren't stupid, you should be able to win. Some examples would be

    Top: Akali, Irelia, Jax, Rumble, Riven, yorick
    Mid: Ryze, Ahri, fiddlesticks, karthus, gragas
    Junglers: Diana, lee sin, malphite, maokai, udyr
    Bot: Graves, Vayne, sivir, kogmaw, urgot
    Support: Alistar, Leona, Taric, Blitzcrank

    As for actual tips, best one I can give which I find < 20% of people do is always buy wards. Even if you're not the support, buy wards. If you got 75g+ and 1 empty slot and no wards when you leave fountain, you're doing it wrong. Counterwarding and denying vision via pink wards/oracles helps a lot too.

  3. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    simplified : play anything but Urgot bot, they're called AD "carries" for a reason

  4. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    Except some people believe that mid and jungle have the most influence over a game, since some solo queue games are over before the ADC has a chance to shine.

    My TL;DR however is "use your brain and get better". Not helpful I know, but LoL is one of those games where you have to delve into every single nook and cranny to get the edge over the competition. Because let's face it, they will do the same. I might come back here and post a full post though.

    EDIT: wth is this VigLink thing? o.O

    2x EDIT: it disappeared when I edited it... creepy. Raul's quote still has it though.

  5. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    And statistics show that top has the most influence over a game. Weird.
    EDIT: Even weirder, Xypherous thinks that top lane is the biggest snowball lane and there are plans to change up that lane completely between S2 and S3.

  6. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    Source? Mine came from a GD thread that had a poll.

  7. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    Mine came from Elobuff most likely. Sadly, I am a cheapskate and refuse to pay for Elobuff, so I can't confirm it right now. The statistic was something like games where your top gets FB have a 70% chance of victory.
    The fact that Xypherous and most of their balance department seem to be pretty concerned about top lane and its snowball effect confirms that something is going on up there.

    Here's what I've found.

    That's from March, so the stat might be a bit off. Of course, that guy doesn't provide any actual source EITHER. So f'uck him.

    So, I've seen that 88% chance thrown around a couple more times. Nothing actually useful. Nothing providing a source.
    Yeah, so I'm still gonna go with top lane being snowbally and since top basically negates carries as their job, I'd say logic backs me up.


    There we go. 88% chance.

  8. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    I would say it's more important to ward well than buying mass amounts of wards that go in the wrong places. A couple well-placed wards go further than thirty poorly placed wards.

  9. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    I was talking about the bot lane specifically, not in general.

  10. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    I'm glad this thread shined. I'll try and update it as it gets more posts in it. Keep it going, as for me, I'm going back to studying for English Comp. So toodles.

  11. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    @Raul, thanks for the info.

    What's wrong with Urgot? It might not be as good in 5-mans, but the moral impact of Urgot shutting down the ADC is pretty devastating.

  12. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    I find that disheartens only the AD carry and the rest of the team just blames him for sucking and moves on.

  13. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    Not only that, him getting tanky as crap and sniping down your ad's escaping. It's bad when he's chasing you down with a FoN on.

  14. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    Because of the way top lane works, if one of them gets first blood, it's only logical they'll have a much higher chance of winning. When I practice 1v1 top with my friend, he always gets a small advantage over me when he can (my top sucks but that's besides the point). Then he starts widening that gap by winning trades, denying me cannon minion, and eventually get 1st blood. Then he'll have item + level advantage over me and there's almost no way I can come back unless I outplay him very well (which I can't).

    Best way honestly though is just getting better by playing more games. Due to elo reset in october, a 2k elo friend is playing on a 1200 friend's account with vayne. His winrate is about 90% right now and he just outplays the other ADC because he has played for over a year and just gotten better. Everyday I improve at this game via winning or losing. That's probably the best way to raise elo.

  15. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    Gonna start updating this thread throughout the day. Here she goes.

    I got the ball rolling. I'd prefer if we all left a little dent in the project started. Keep leaving things that may help us get this much more bigger and a much more generalized and stronger guide for us and new SouthPerrians that may join that play league and help them with the game as well. Be back in 4 hours~

  16. Water

    IGN: SolicShooter, SolicSage
    Server: Demethos
    Level: 162
    Job: Captain, BaM
    Guild: FallingStars
    Alliance: Quit MS

    Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    I feel that, aside from the extremely obvious things like not picking a support character, unless your team requires one and more warding, there isn't much to say that would get you more elo. In my experience you'll reach the elo where you belong if you play enough games (like 400 or so). Some people have like 20 ranked matches and 1000 normal matches and are complaining they're at 1100 elo or something, which is just plain ludicrous. If you want to climb the ladder, make an effort.

  17. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    You play OP, you win. That and Arcade Sona. (HNNNNNNNNG)

  18. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    Snowbally champs are a great strategy. Champs that Kaasoljoyyx listed are great examples. Get ahead of your enemy and PUSH YOUR ADVANTAGE. Too many times I see the other team get an advantage and d`ick around for fun and then get their asses stomped because the opponents caught up.

    Strategically ward. Especially if you're top lane because top lane is the easiest lane to gank. I'm too lazy to find that image with all the good warding spots, but learning that is a great way to learn where you should ward and when.

    Learn Dragon and Baron timers. 6 minutes for Dragon and 7 for Baron. Timing Blue and Red buffs isn't too big a priority but if you're jungling and plan on stealing buffs it is a good idea to keep track of times and the map icons so you can contest the buffs.

    Have several rune pages. You cannot efficiently play ranked with only 2-3 rune pages. The rune page bundle is very RP efficient compared to the total cost of 7 Rune pages worth of IP. Have several pages for different roles, and even certain champs if you specialize in them (ie; Akali).

    Learn how to counterpick. Draft mode is all about counterpicking and if you can pick a stronger champ than your opponent you will have a much easier time through the game.

    Aside from playing strategy you also need to understand communication. Do not under any circumstances negatively criticize or belittle someone on your team. It helps no one and lowers team morale and causes arguments and grief. Only say constructive things, like suggesting a certain item if someone is having trouble against their lane opponent. If someone is attacking you don't say anything. Just ignore and keep playing your best. Giving into their taunting will only make matters worse.

    That's all I can think of for now. Hope it helps. I don't play ranked often these days but I do want to dive back into it soon to test myself.

  19. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    This isn't perfect but it gives you a good idea.

    Also, it's a good idea to watch streams or tournament plays of higher ranked people. Right now MLG raleigh is this weekend with a lot of good teams. By watching how they play you'll learn sort of what to do mostly because you'll be copying them. Some of the commentators are also really good when they say why they did something and why they didn't do something.

    Off-topic: Does anyone know what happened to I haven't heard anything about them for months now.

  20. Default Re: How to raise your ELO 101 - A SP Community guide [Suggestion]

    On a related subject, I've been talking and gathering info about a few select things. All the community-based sources say that LB counters Anivia, but some Anivia mains at the high end say it's a relatively even matchup. Call it skill, call it experience, but sometimes it's not always the best choice to follow these things.



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