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  1. Default RED micro-site now out!

    Be warned: The video will make you cringe.

    EDIT: Info released thus far for the lazy...

  2. Trump minus th money
    IGN: xparasite9
    Server: Windia
    Level: 250
    Job: I/L Archmage
    Guild: Aerial
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    Only the permabanned may know peace from this evil. And maybe not even then.

    Edit: dat autotune

  3. I post a lot Bi Male
    IGN: ZesseiBijin
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Kanna
    Guild: NEST
    Farm: Razmosia

    Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    Oh wow, Commerci sounds amazing. a dynamic day/night cycle, SEA BATTLES. and... level 160 equips. ew.

  4. Orbital Bee Cannon Straight Male
    IGN: Musiphe
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 277
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Epic
    Alliance: Fatal

    Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    Whoa whoa whoa. Hold the phone...

  5. Trump minus th money
    IGN: xparasite9
    Server: Windia
    Level: 250
    Job: I/L Archmage
    Guild: Aerial
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    Looks like Nexon has been paying attention to the things I've been saying.
    Also looks like it won't even require Cash Items. Hm.
    Well this is unexpected.

  6. I post a lot Bi Male
    IGN: ZesseiBijin
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Kanna
    Guild: NEST
    Farm: Razmosia

    Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    oh, RED stands for Revolution! Evolution! Defiance!

    That's much better than KMS's version.

  7. Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    Wow. Commerci, 160 equips!

    I am actually rather excited for this, since it'll be somewhat different from KMS.

    Also, the singer for the video kinda sounds like Charice, but I'm like, tone deaf, so I don't know.

  8. Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    the hype has returned

  9. Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    I really hope this level 160 equipment is Terminus-related, else I wasted a bunch of money.

  10. Can you hear it?
    street's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: Street
    Server: Windia
    Level: 15x
    Job: I/l mage
    Guild: Imperial
    Alliance: Royal

    Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    When i read that i fell in love! Being able to upgrade existing weapons and not having to re cube? Better get all the empress weapons now and wait for this.

    Finally i'm able to upgrade my weapon without spending a lot of mesos or nx.

    What do they mean by keep the enchantments? Will the attack i added on my empress be added on to the new 160 weapon?

  11. Trump minus th money
    IGN: xparasite9
    Server: Windia
    Level: 250
    Job: I/L Archmage
    Guild: Aerial
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    Just be a little bit wary.

    I'm starting to recognize how obvious this is now. They pineappleed up big time, what with the whole Sengoku High screwup, so in order to distract everyone they did an emergency launch of the RED teaser.

  12. Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    Commerci sounds amazing..

  13. Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    Welp, guess I better get my slayer to 210 before Zero's out. Hype GET.

  14. Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    I'm feeling very doubtful about that trading system.
    Last edited by Green4Ever; 2013-11-21 at 07:37 PM.

  15. Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    Quick, someone in Windia donate to me an Empress staff plz.

  16. I post a lot Bi Male
    IGN: ZesseiBijin
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Kanna
    Guild: NEST
    Farm: Razmosia

    Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    So i'm guessing you go from port to port, fighting off pirates along the way.

    Seems like an interesting idea for a PQ.

  17. Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    Looks like no Flames for Jewelists.

    No need to recube? Wow.

    Next thing you know, it's tradeable without limits. Haha.

  18. Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    Is... is he NAKED?

    Keep in mind it says potential RANK, not potential LINES. It may go either way, but I'd be wary for now.

  19. Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    Because everyone can have emp equips as is, right?

    Let's inflate them, then.

  20. Default Re: RED micro-site now out!

    Fixed. You can hardly call the Pirate buffs a revamp.



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