- Blabber Box not having new episodes anymore.
- No lolcrystincox yapping about new updates.
- No video press releases that talks with lolcrystincox.
- Dev blog replacement
I have a feeling that Crystin Cox was fired because according to the Q4 thingymajiggy, they lost money and I guess the higher ups got mad at her.
Eurydice? I don't know about him/her and I don't see why s/he was replaced with the new guy.
Some bugs are being fixed faster than expected (Silent Crusade bug being fixed next week, Miwok channel thing, and a few others)
Do you still think they're sitting on their asses drinking coffee during unscheduled/scheduled maintenances? Do you think that everything is the same (Crystin Cox not being fired) and it's just an attempt to gain players back? What do you think is going on?