View Poll Results: How many chinchillas do you give this patch?

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  • 43 21.83%
  • 35 17.77%
  • 55 27.92%
  • 35 17.77%
  • 29 14.72%
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  1. Default [0.01T] The Ultimate Visitor






  2. Default

    Hell yes! gMST extractions!

    This looks like an awesome patch, though there are some mistakes. I believe the Cash Trade window was added again in Korean. It was removed before (in Korean), but added now again?

    I see no DEX requirement on both the Dagger and Katara. I hope this is a big mistake, otherwise I could've stayed DEXless...

    I personally do think there's going to be a stat requirement. I believe everything is statless so everyone could test it no matter what stats their characters have?
    Last edited by Snor; 2010-08-09 at 07:28 PM.

  3. Default

    OSSS... and an ulu NPC. Two things pasted together that previously existed with a bunch of new things to make something mostly new.. I guess it'll be okay.

    (You guys all know ulu, but OSSS was an event/omega expansion [haven't confirmed either yet] from ThaiMS. They reused some things and added others. Looks cool.)

    Continent 5 is also where all of Thailand is located and the ThaiMS events are in.

  4. Default


  5. Default

    Also, I just want to point this out--although I may be wrong: though this update is not Masteria related and is actually an update off of Omega Sector, there's a couple bits of data referring to "Dragon", "Dragon Lord", etc. Could this mean that a real Masteria update isn't too far away? Wasn't there an area called the Dragon Clan in part of the Masteria lore? I'm pretty sure we even have a picture of its gates.

  6. Default

    High leveled shields and weapons look nice, here's hoping they're not a peach to obtain.

    30 slot overalls... ugh. Does Nexon plan this crap out? Literally one patch after Potential, which makes common gear near useless, they pull this crap?

  7. Default

    Epic gear. Even better looking than Android gear!

  8. Default

    Thousands of Ninjas for sure, but are you sure you won't get in trouble for the images Fiel?

    Also, if those belts aren't too hard to obtain, they'll pretty much take away from my wasted effort on the broken Dojo. Still want red belt for color completion's sake, but without being able to save progress properly, it's not possible for me to maintain patience.

    EDIT: WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! Why is the only weapon type not to get a 127 counterpart the crossbow!?!

  9. Default

    Also I don't know why everyone is freaking out over the 30 slot overalls, 12 slot shoes and gloves and 18 slot helmets. They are all time-limited.

  10. Default

    Take back what I said. Looks very nice.

  11. Default

    Not liking the hp/exp ratios. So much for new training spots, I guess.

  12. Default

    "Whole Crystanol
    Permanently activates the Visitor Suit. Can be synthesized using Crystanol Molecules."

  13. Default

    That Dragon Lord Necklace looks pretty nice--seems better than a MoN at least since it gives more stats and can be potentialed, but it lacks the +300 HP the MoN gives which sucks hard. Also LOL at the 12 slot gloves being time-limited, glad I don't have to feel like an idiot for scrolling my Ocean Gloves.

    Also nice weapons, I just hope they don't cost NX.

    EDIT: Okay now I feel like an idiot for scrolling my ocean gloves.

  14. Default

    Have you looked at the things at all, you can extend their time up to permanently with an item included in this area/event.

  15. Orbital Bee Cannon Straight Male
    IGN: Musiphe
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 277
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Epic
    Alliance: Fatal


    Do love how nearly every monster is weak to SOME element! But HP:EXP Ratio seems...bleh

  16. Default

    There are etc items to make them all perma. As for the way to obtain them, that's a whole other argument.

    So there are 4 Alien helmets that would seem to apply to the 4 original classes. Does the 5th robot one go for the Pirates? =(


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