Its so amazing, you cant see it!
Its so amazing, you cant see it!
Oh lawd I can't
That so beats my collection of Advanced Knight familiars.
You know something is good when Nexon America adds it themselves.
I didn't say it was complete.. Advanced Knight A is on another account, but this is what I have now:
Advanced D is right near it, both are expired. They were both collected when I actually trained solo at Stronghold.
Haha, That was my smega. And Guess what, When you summon it, ITS INVISIBLE TOO.
Yes I named it Dr. Bing
ooh didn't realize it was you lol.
Thought the ign looked familiar but couldnt remember xD
Oh wow, there's more than one?
Wait, why am I surprised? I saw it in MTS.
Which means there are probably 9000 duped ones floating around already.