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  1. Default KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

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    I think this update is called 'MapleStory: Reboot'.

    (PvE) Skill Changes

  2. Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

    Snipe - Cooltime Reduce
    Changed - Required level (195 --> 177)

    Snipe - Limit Canceller
    Changed - Required level (177 --> 195)

    Illusion Step
    Changed - time (240 --> 300)

  3. Lead Ball
    IGN: Watt
    Server: 루na
    Level: 240
    Job: Hero
    Guild: 깜찍
    Alliance: 깜찍qkff
    Farm: 에디

    Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

    That I/L and F/P nerf... why :/
    Bleeding Toxin
    Changed - dot (190 --> 1000)
    U WOT M8?
    I like the Assassinate buff, pretty huge considering they have Shadow Partner.

    I like the fact they've buffed CS, but not Viper nor Captain lol, The changes to wind breaker are still not satisfying enough, AND Bowmaster got stronger...

  4. Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

    Given the nerfs to everyone, I was expecting the same, but nerfs without any compensatory quality of life changes is rather garbage.

    In terms of some random order of importance, this is what I/L needed:
    Chilling Step (the ice on the ground skill) needs to not trigger DR.
    Frozen Orb has a god awful cast time, if they were going to do anything with cast times, that should have been the first skill to look at. That, or extend its duration or speed up the hits.
    Lightning Sphere, the Hyper, needs to be changed to a nonkeydown skill like AB's Supreme Supernova.
    Freezing Breath, the bind, needs personal functionality. For example, if you remove your hand from the key, it functions as a regular bind, but you lose the invincibility and DEF decrease.
    Thunderstorm needs to be a true summon. Either give it a fixed position at the point of summoning, like the Corsair Octo-Cannon or a true following summon like Elquines, not some lumbering cloud that is almost assured of disappearing because you teleport too fast.

    None of those changes increase damage to gamebreaking or move from the middle status.

  5. Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

    The paladin nerf turned into a buff (by not having to stack 5 charges over and over). However, Nexon did mention that they still want to change how a paladin fights (something they mentioned about 'elemental warrior?'), so we'll probably see it on the next KMST updates.

    It's so tempting to switch back to DrK, but I'll stay as a paladin for a while.

    At this point, I believe heroes deserve an extra hit or two for Raging Blow now.

  6. Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

    Really noobish to this but, Buccaneer changes says " final attack" on Fist enrage, and fist out rage. Does this mean they added final attack to the octopunch?

    Nvm i think that line meant that the skill links together , like a Tb

  7. Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

    I agree with all of these. But seeing how small-ish the nerfs were, I'm just glad it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. And at least our Hyper isn't as completely useless as before, at least on paper.

  8. Lead Ball Male
    IGN: Ivangoldes
    Server: Now Bera
    Level: 258
    Job: Marksman
    Guild: Olimpo/OnePoint
    Alliance: Aliança
    Farm: Ivangold/Farmnamedmg

    Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

    Even tought they didn't changed anything(really usefull) in mm i don't really mind , since we got what we most needed(be something in close range and snipe have more range).

  9. Helium Atom Straight Male
    IGN: I'm
    Server: not
    Level: on
    Job: this
    Guild: damn
    Alliance: game
    Farm: anymore

    Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

    Oh man, Cannoneer changes look delicious.

  10. Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

    No, I think they changed Nautilus Strike to activate a final attack while on cooldown, similar to ILs, FPs, and Battle Mages.

  11. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis

    Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

    unless you're capping i don't see the point.

    250*10= 2500

    literally 4 points more of damage.

    also that cooldown increase to 10 seconds on potato explosion, eww.

  12. Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

    its 25% more damage to those who can cap

    EDIT: misread the post, im such a stupid nigga
    yeah that dude can cap real hard

  13. Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

    EDIT: Updated.

    My thoughts on the changes (I'm referring to Max's blog for info, so it will be incomplete for a while):

    Last edited by Hanabira.Kage; 2015-06-13 at 04:39 AM.

  14. Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

    I was under the impression bowmasters already had pretty good dps o_o

  15. Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

    GG. Basically DBs now have pomegranatety damage outside of bossing.

  16. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis

    Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II


    OH pineapple OFF.

    what's the points of polearms now, i'm not even going to go on the same rant i always do, nexon doesn't know pomegranate about balance and just kneejerks confirmed V999.9

  17. Lead Ball
    IGN: Watt
    Server: 루na
    Level: 240
    Job: Hero
    Guild: 깜찍
    Alliance: 깜찍qkff
    Farm: 에디

    Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

    Ultimate Drive
    Changed - subTime (120 --> 130)
    Can anyone explain to me, WHY?

    this is how paladin should've been lool

  18. Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

    STOP. I just read Max's blog and unless I am missing something, did they really take the Stance effect off of Knight's Watch? Get out.

    Also, is Advanced Soul Shield really doing what I am thinking it has the potential to do?

  19. Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II



  20. Default Re: KMST 1.2.11 - Skill Changes Part II

    Wait is he, blocking %hp boss attacks?



    my heart, i wanted this so much for maple but, but for paladins T^T
    Last edited by PoetryIsFail; 2015-06-13 at 01:05 AM. Reason: all thsi salt means i cant post properly



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