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  1. Default How many coins (leafs) you need to get all the lengendary set?

    Anyone knows? since this stuff is not tradable i dont think ill get all the stuff for all my chars only 2 maybe. And the mount is tradable? If not maybe just one , just for the pesky medal wich gives +8 all stats, o well its better than the quest specialist im courrently wearing.
    Son anyone already got the stuff and had the exact count of coins or leafs?

  2. Default Re: How many coins (leafs) you need to get all the lengendary set?

    125 coins, 12500 leaves.

  3. Default Re: How many coins (leafs) you need to get all the lengendary set?

    K thanks OMG is best to like keep growing and growing trees they sometimes give 5 coins. Saddly not the coins or the fruit you get from the tree area tradables o well.
    Last edited by ElChele; 2012-02-07 at 04:14 PM. Reason: cose i can and its free!

  4. Default Re: How many coins (leafs) you need to get all the lengendary set?

    If you're above 120, the final Silent Crusade medal is on par with that (5 stats 1 atk iirc)

  5. Orbital Bee Cannon Straight Male
    IGN: Musiphe
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 277
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Epic
    Alliance: Fatal

    Default Re: How many coins (leafs) you need to get all the lengendary set?

    How are you people getting coins so fast? I only have 30 lol

  6. Default Re: How many coins (leafs) you need to get all the lengendary set?

    You can get coins 3 different ways, so combining them results in getting coins pretty easily. Maple Weapon boxes can give 1-3 coins, so I usually get about 15-20 coins per 150 opens. The trees give 1-3 coins as well, and they're pretty common. Since they're infinitely repeatable, just put 3 in there every 30 minutes. Then you have the leaves. Though those aren't that great if you don't have a pet.

  7. Default Re: How many coins (leafs) you need to get all the lengendary set?

    Gives PvP damage as well.
    @DarkLink: I got about 15xx leaves in 30 minutes farming for Dews.
    Try Claw Machines if you really really want a pomegranate-ton of leaves.

  8. Default Re: How many coins (leafs) you need to get all the lengendary set?

    Pepe mother pineappleing claw machines. Swimming in leaves.

  9. Default Re: How many coins (leafs) you need to get all the lengendary set?

    Up around 9x coins so far. I had gathered between 4000-5000 leaves while doing the the first 4 quests in ToT, and grew 21 or so trees in the process. Still have the boxes to open yet, but I have 200+ of those, so kind of avoiding that at the moment. Don't feel like being clicky-clicky all day.. Can those boxes be hotkeyed?

    Also, anyone know what the stats of the buff thing from the trees is?

  10. Default Re: How many coins (leafs) you need to get all the lengendary set?

    From the patch notes:



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