Originally Posted by Nexon
Originally Posted by Nexon
Separate from the connectivity issues that are affecting everyone?
Blame it on your ISP, that's right Nexon.
Do they really think that we're this stupid?
You essentially have two options: 1) Stop playing the game and allow yourself to ream out Nexon for their idiocy, or 2) Continue playing the game but give up your right to complain to Nexon about their approach to fixing things in their game(s).
The only time you can be allowed to play the game AND rant about Nexon is when it's a clear trollpost to mock the ignorant masses that play the game(s) and spew the same garbage on their forums over and over.
As a customer you always have the right to complain about the quality of the product or service you're receiving.
You're just an idiot if you expect it to any good in a case like Nexon's, where their own stated policy is "If you need customer support you will need to work with the CSRs through the ticketing system found at" which is a virtual death sentence to most issues.
it is funny. nexon think if their players are stupid? well if i was a nexon gm i would think that lol.
nexon: oh sorry you got hacked here 5k maple point for you
player: omg nexon replied to my ticket im happy here nexon $100 dollar for you.
nexon: mission accomplished.
nexon: we are sorry our server was offline 90% of the time last week, we will give 2x exp to everyone this weekend.
players: omg i love you nexon 2x please
1 week later, no one remember what happened.
nexon is pro on brainwashing.
I'm aware we don't ACTUALLY give up our rights I was just trying to point out that I don't understand why people constantly complain about the same thing yet they still continue to play the game aka agreeing with your original post.
It's obviously too early in the morning for me to properly respond...I'll come back when I'm fully awake.
They love the product, hate the service provider. That's really an easy enough situation to get into.
I love having broadband, hate my ISP. I hate them most when they do things that make the product unusable or unavailable to me, or work in a manner different than intended. That's no different than what Maplers do, and like me, they don't have any other option in their area for getting the product the want except through the service provider that's awful.
That's one reason private servers are so tempting - You can have the product with out the Nexon, but you get a whole lot more risks and a whole different set of issues.