Not sure if I can link the thread on here since I dont want to bash players or accuse them (Not sure if that even applies here but I got a few infractions already for that so yeah... x_x) so i'll just quote them.
So there is a thread on basil where they are talking a little bit about the rollbacks.
And people literally tell others to dupe and people ask desperatly for methods on how to do this.
''You guys can take advntage of this and start duping ya know''
This came from a Lv 200 Hero. Only 1 person in this entire thread, besides me told him that hes a fool for saying this.
''4b richer, thanks to this c:''
From a girl I used to have as a friend on basil.
''I got my first 2b from this rollbacking issues! For once, hackers are doing good deeds.''
Random guy. But god wtp they are praising hackers now. (Although this is old news).
''It is glitching but I just call it "hack". I just know the correct time for the server to crash, So I know when to do my thing.''
Was said after 4 people asked him how to do this because they really want to do this too.
''How do u dupe items im desperate''
Another one lol.
EDIT: Last post:
[A person that was quoted]: ''lol ya i realized you could dupe when i put 4 steelys in my storage, got dced and come back to see 8. i wasnt happy with steelys ._.''
''looool haha you and almost every kid on this forum thinking their cool cause they know how to succesfully dupe, i never knew you could have 8 steelys in your storage. if anyone wants to know just pm me, must have a 7 day mushie. Store permit doesn't work all the time..''
Seriously =.=
Sigh... I dont know I know people didnt care but still. Seeing threads like this where people in public beg for ways to dupe
is making me feel sick to my stomach...
I honestly hope every single person who tried/asked/and did dupe gets banned forever.
And i'm talking about people who did it on purpose. And yes, I know Nexon wont ban them but whatever.
I can dream right?
/end rant
(Not sure if this should be in the angrydome. Not really angry just frustrated.)