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  1. Default Obama Says 'No Homo Haters Here'

  2. DUCKS
    IGN: Mondays
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 170
    Job: White Knight
    Guild: Affinity
    Alliance: Honour


    In the right direction, but I think people within the country should be addressed first.

    What is considered as "serious violations"? Would e.g. police who deny people their free speech learn that this is not acceptable?

  3. Interdimensional Rift Straight Male
    IGN: thewatch3r
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Lolmaster
    Guild: Contagious


    Always happy to see the US take a step in the right direction.

  4. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: GatlingPunch
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 200
    Job: Gear 2nd Pirate
    Guild: Virtues
    Alliance: NARs


    I'm going to guess anything that qualifies as "I killed that person just because his/her sexuality is unlike mines" kind of levels.

  5. Default

    I'm not sure how this will be enforced. I think that, ironically, like the homosexuals they hate, it will be pretty easy for them to slip through the cracks.

    Sorry I had to.

  6. Interdimensional Rift Straight Male
    IGN: thewatch3r
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Lolmaster
    Guild: Contagious


    Idk how they would enforce it. It's like stopping someone from premeditating a crime, which is fairly difficult to do, unless there is a telepath in Obama's closet cabinet.

  7. Default

    Precog. Telepaths are for communicating, not predicting. An oracle, diviner or perhaps thaumaturgist would work too.

  8. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: GatlingPunch
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 200
    Job: Gear 2nd Pirate
    Guild: Virtues
    Alliance: NARs


    Precoginition and crimes? Like this


  9. DUCKS
    IGN: Mondays
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 170
    Job: White Knight
    Guild: Affinity
    Alliance: Honour


    Well, yeah, great point, heh. It's kind of its own level, so I can't really argue about that.



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