What the title says.
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I'll go first.
What the title says.
This is a good way to gather/share information.
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I'll go first.
I've recently sold a lot of my Marksman's main equips, but he still kicks some ass.
15/15 Z helm
12 Dex earrings
16 Dex 4 STR overall
13 att gloves
10 Dex 3 att Pink Cape
111 Att /3 Dex Casa Crow
5 Dex 3 STR shoes.
here's mine.
without warrior elixir:
with warrior elixir:
these are cool till the dupers show up.
Screeny of my Fail BM who hasn't leveled for 4 months+ ~~
with mw
mw and elixir
it doesnt work :[
Last edited by SoulQuincy; 2008-07-09 at 02:02 AM. Reason: image wont work
My weakling blowmaster.
15/15 helm
7/7 pendant
8 dex rings
4/24 overall
3/8 cape
10 dex shoes
My lol10att wg
108 super sexy dark arund
Wry you so weeeeeak alice.
Last edited by Anyoneisgod; 2008-07-11 at 08:57 AM.
Thats an awsome Raven, Mine is 2 attack lower xD
Mine is 1720-3093 buffless range at level 116, Too lazy to post SS.
Gear: 15 SCG, 2/4 FS, 11 Earrings, 25/3 Anes (Eww) 116/5 Raven, ZHelm, 4/6 PAC, 2/1/60 Necklace. Some of that gear is from my friend that gave me his account because he quit :(
Theres my damage nothing special 69 att bow hehe
Ive hit a 1337..lol
Or so before but I suck at ssing
EDIT: just noticed that was with my dana instead of bamboo....
might get a bit higher to lazy to tho.
Leveled to 160 somewhat recently. I also passed Concentrate 20 and now it lasts 2 minutes. Concentrate is the best thing ever (and yes Carlos, my fist is all up in my ass, just how you like it.)
Anyway, here's me.
And here's my gear.
The only thing holding me back is my gloves. I've saved up 600m and 300m worth of equity to try and buy 16's or 17's, but the problem is no one is selling the damn things. Hopefully one will appear soon.
Here's my range @ 155 with level 6 MW -_-
Here are my equips.
I plan on buying a 16 atk glove, hopefully a 7 dex face equip, maybe a 10/4 Cape, or maybe Chaos Scroll one later on, and TRYING MY HARDEST, a 118+ atk bow. Oh, and hopefully finding some 100% or 60% Helm Dex's.
..Oh and if you're wondering, yeah he did quit x_x
Last edited by BMW; 2008-07-18 at 03:52 AM. Reason: Curiosity of the person's glove.
Why don't you buy a pendant? It seems like you could benefit most from that. Also, why don't you have at least 9 MW for yourself?
I don't have a pendant because groups in Bera don't sell them, nor do they ever have open slots to run with. And I Maxed out SE, Hurricane, and BE, and got to 11 Concentrate because when I trained I used my friend's MW. And also for the pendant, I'd like to earn my pendant/egg, since I want to use all my money in upgrading my equips.
It was a 122/3 Dragon Shiner Kupoing/Mistercrim owned. I offered him 2.1b and 2 Facestompers, and the world transfer and he accepted. I gifted him the world transfer, it didn't work for some reason, and ever since then I haven't been in contact with Chris/Kupo/whoever the owner is. Kupo ignored every PM I sent him on his guild forums. I even offered Tin 2.1b, just as he wanted, but he didn't want to transfer over here and merchant etc. So I'm unfortunately still looking, despite all the bullpomegranate I've dealt with.