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  1. Default Maplesheets down? Check here.

    The last time Maplesheets was up I made sure to go there and download everything in case they went down again. Lo and behold they are down yet again. I really do like what they're doing with music and Maplestory, and it's sad to see the site down so often.

    So, to preserve the collective talent of Maplesheets, I have uploaded their data to my FTP server.

    All credit is given to Maplesheets website for creating this content. I do not take any credit nor do I take ownership of this material.
    At any time the Maplesheets Admin can contact me to remove this information from my FTP.
    This information is being provided due to the spotty nature of the Maplesheets website going down.
    The admin may, at his discretion, choose to use the links below at as a mirror when his site returns.
    This information will never be used to create any competing site for Maplesheets and nor do I have any desire to compete.

    MUS Archive:
    PDF Archive:

  2. Default

    It's not like promotes Southperry any more than it does anything else when it comes to the majority of Maplers, that and you're not running Southperry any longer.

    Wish they had guitar tabs though, I'm too lazy to work out the fingerings by myself.



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