Hi! If ye're confused about Maple Shipmates, ye've come t' th' starboard place! Here, ask questions an' they be answered as soon as our members come aft into port. Below be some useful information regardin' Shipmates, th' newest Maple Class! Cast off me boys!
The path of the Pirate will probably one of the most popular in MapleStory. At their second job, Pirates have two options: Gunslinger or Infighter. Gunslingers are faster and ranged attackers, but their shots tend to be weak due to the lack of criticals that an Archer or Assassin has. Infighters are melee, close-ranged fist fighters who deal lots of damage and have high HP, but they must get extremely close to their enemies and thus tend to take a lot of damage. The third job is forced, depending on what has been already chosen: Valkyrie from Gunslinger and Buccaneer from Infighter. For the 4th job, Pirates have the choice of becoming either a Captain or a Viper.
* Very fast attackers, nearly as fast as Rogues.
* Interesting abilities, as well as getting a mob attack during first job.
* Gunslingers can hover in the air for a short period of time.
* In first job, pirates have a useful dash ability that can accelerate movement speed.
* In the Infighter job, the user has physical mob attacks.
* Infighters have more HP than Bandits and more MP than warriors.
* Gunslingers do low damage.
* A little bit difficult to get used to, very different than other jobs.
* The Float ability is not so useful if trying to get out.
* The pirate equipment is a little bit expensive for a beginner.
* Infighters lack the mobility of Bandits, and also must be closer to attack.
Correct Stats for a future Pirate: STR and DEX are your most important ap points, so try and get as many into those two catagories as possible; INT and LUK can be left at 4 or 5. If you want to build a Gunslinger, it is to consider getting the highest DEX when building this char. Meanwhile, if you try to build an Infighter is up to you to get the most STR at it's creation. Remember that you need 20 DEX to advance as a Pirate.
Job UP!
Upon arrival at Victoria Island, talk to Olaf and pick your job quest. Take the taxi to Nautilus Port and enter the submarine in the center of town. Walk to the right and enter a door with an "UP" arrow over it. this will take you to the top deck of the ship. Now, walk left and enter the farthest door. Inside is the bridge, where Kairin is located. Talk to Kairin and make the job advancement.
~Strategy Wiki on Pirates (with some paraphrasing.)
Helpful Pirate Links:
1st job- 3rd job Skill Tables
4th Job Skill Tables
Ultimate Dexless Infighter Equips Guide By Sn1perJohnE
Gunslinger Skill Builds: By Bribery
Infighter Skill Builds: By ShiKage
Pirate Equips Levels 10-90ish (c'mon Viper, finish them!)
Complete Pirate Equips Lvls 10-110 By Tempus
Pirate Mastery Book Locations by TKWizard
Now for my question...
Looking at the skills and trying to figure out a skill build for myself, I noticed that to max all the important 3rd job skills, either the ice shot or the fire one will be left at 11 I believe. My question is now, which one would be better, or is my math wrong and is it possible to max all 3rd job skills?
On that note, how important would it be maxing ele amp in 4th job? Looking at that skill table, trying to max all pirate job skills would leave you no sp to max any common job skills.