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  1. Default Executioner's Calling

    This item, afaik, has been virtually unchanged since I joined League of Legends (it might have been built from a rice blade before, don't recall). With the direction the game is headed to atm, I'm thinking this item would actually be more viable than people give it credit for, and I would be interested in trying it out in some of my future games.

    -- Retardedly high lifesteal for its cost. Reasonable lane sustain levels.
    -- Healing reduction at a spammable rate!

    -- The DoT trolls you if you're trying to tower dive someone for a kill.
    -- It has very low stats for an unupgradeable item.
    -- Early crit chance? Really?
    -- Wriggle's Lantern is arguably a better item for the stats it gives, and for the long term, at only 250 more gold.


  2. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    Only use it if there's an enemy Mundo and we have 0-1 ignites on our team.

  3. Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    I can't imagine the DoT stacks, does it?
    If it does, then someone who attacks stupidly fast (like Fiora, especially with her ult) would be broken with it.

  4. Certified Pimento Bi Male
    IGN: xxxxFenixR
    Server: Bera
    Level: Mix
    Job: Severals
    Guild: None
    Alliance: Nada
    Farm: Wut?

    Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    I believe the Healing reduction could see some uses in Top, where is usually a war of people with sustain, having this would possibly mean that everytime they try to regain health via minion smashing you can reduce their effectivity.

    The item its quite cheap and could be sold when its utility its no longer necessary, but i admit going the hexdrinker path with it would not be bad.

  5. Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    wayyyyyyyyyy back when.... this item was infinitely better. the lifesteal and crit havent changed. however, its active has gone through a couple alterations. it used to be a passive. people complained healing was useless (to the point of you would see 1 every game, often on like sorakas or something dumb), it got changed into an active like gunblade with low cd and it was completely useless. this is the 2nd iteration of the active, and the item is still barely buyable. im bitter :(

    the stats are great for some bruisers, but its a hard item to place anywhere else. it offers nothing a support would want, its too small for ranged ad. especially if the enemy team comp doesnt include massive healing/regen.

    pro: dot trolls enemies too, it stops their b

  6. Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    That item trolls self healers so hard... it's one of those "awesome as hell when it works, and pretty pomegranatety when it doesn't" items.

  7. Orbital Bee Cannon Straight Male
    IGN: Musiphe
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 277
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Epic
    Alliance: Fatal

    Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    I've seen Wickd get it on a few solo top champions.
    It's starting to slowly increase in popularity from the looks of it.

    That and Hexdrinker.

  8. Water

    IGN: FasterHarder
    Server: Dirgie
    Level: 85
    Job: HotSexyRedhead
    Guild: TeamRocket/Doggies

    Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    Not this arguement again.

  9. Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    whos arguing?

  10. Water

    IGN: FasterHarder
    Server: Dirgie
    Level: 85
    Job: HotSexyRedhead
    Guild: TeamRocket/Doggies

    Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    debate, arguement w/e. I seen this discussion or whatever you want to call it on atleast 3-4 different forums.

    On Topic: Depends on the situation.

  11. Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    You don't have to enter the thread.
    It's merely a thread with people talking about the uses of the item and what their thoughts of it is.

  12. Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    Oh yeah, I remember that. I was too much of a newbie player at the time to have actually known what it did though xD

    Also, confirmed. DoT prevents backing, which is unusual, since most player DoTs allow you to back (including Ignite).

    Not this bullshyt again. This is the first time in recent memory that something like this has happened.

  13. Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    I've only gotten it once.

    It was a random 1v1 vs my friend and he got Kennen, and i got Nocturne (who was free, and i have never played) I just kept spamming the active on him lol.

  14. Water

    IGN: FasterHarder
    Server: Dirgie
    Level: 85
    Job: HotSexyRedhead
    Guild: TeamRocket/Doggies

    Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    I lurk a lot of forums, So i see all the debates/arguements. Both are good items. Just EC is so underrated by the community.

  15. Default Re: Executioner's Calling


  16. Certified Pimento Bi Male
    IGN: xxxxFenixR
    Server: Bera
    Level: Mix
    Job: Severals
    Guild: None
    Alliance: Nada
    Farm: Wut?

    Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    Hexdrinker and Executioner Calling.

  17. Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    4x8 = 32 damage hit proc
    Meanwhile, Wit's End = 40 damage per hit outright

    The damage is there as another way to deal with regen, not for the raw damage. Anyone with 20+ hp/5 won't really notice the 4 damage tick per second. At any rate, it probably works like most DoT - stacking to a cap (probably 4-5 stacks) then refreshing or simply refreshing each hit like Teemo's.

  18. Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    IMO DoT damage is far more potent than simple straight-up damage, because of its ability to seem insignificant but to be actually very damaging.
    I might try this item out to check stacks if I can get in-game on Rammus or Fiora any time soon. If it does stack to any decent amount, then it serves the same function as Malefic Visions or Ignite: to kill people when they try to run. This and something like Black Cleaver or Malady seems like it would be deadly to a runner.

  19. Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    Wait... Rammus? Executioners calling? Why?

  20. Default Re: Executioner's Calling

    That's an entirely counterintuitive way of thinking. Less damage is better because people underestimate it? Most players worth their salt recognize a threat regardless of the source, so you're generally going to want to go with whatever's outright stronger if the only stat you're looking at is the damage on-hit. And Malefic Visions is designed to sit there for a bit to make killing creeps easier and efficient, since it bounces from one to the next. It does the same damage to a player standing still as it does to one running away. It also makes for a really efficient spell vamp ability, given that it is single target but will eventually rack up a lot of damage if given the chance.

    Again, the damage over time is there to harass people and further mitigate healing effects, not to kill anyone.



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