Kkz, to address some of the problems you find with pencils, get the kind of pencils that don't smear. Typically, these are the ones that don't use excess graphite breakage when you write on paper, even if you press hard. Some of my math work is still in pristine condition after years of mushing around in files. Also, being a klepto that I am (my MS friends know I jump for dropped stuff, and I even "stole" a Dragon Kreda before Leafre came out xD), I would be just as equally likely to steal a good pen than I would steal a pencil. Also, have multiple pencils handy. At least you can tell when the pencils are about to go bad. I've had fits where pens just all ran dry on me or just got gummed up by crud.
Fun Fact: NASA spent billions of dollars to invent a pressurized, clean-delivering pen that could write in space when the astronauts were trying to take notes.
The Russians used pencils.