Not everyone can afford to waste money on donations, but nearly everyone shops online at some point.
Now you can show your appreciation & support for Southperry, at no extra cost to you, simply by including a referral/associate ID tag for Southperry in your purchases. You get the same shiny price you've come to know and love from Amazon, Amazon gets their money & attention and Southperry gets a tiny slice of what you were going to be giving to Amazon anyway.
This form of support is completely anonymous, available to members and lurkers alike, and relatively painless so for those of you who've lamented not being able to give back and show your support before, here's a quick and simple way. You can even ask family and friends to use the link to do their shopping - It's a completely transparent tracker that won't change anything about how they use or experience the Amazon site, just means SP will get a bit of a kickback at the end.
To participate you can use the support link at the top of the page to do your shopping (in a separate window), bookmark the appropriate click through link for your version of Amazon from the list below or replace your browser's Amazon search with our tagged version.
Browser Search Links
Click Thru Links:
Important Note
You must use one of the tagged links as the means by which you put the items in your cart, you can not put stuff in the cart then come to Southperry to do the check-out; the whole process has to have started here to get credited.
Additionally various terms throughout the forum may become Amazon hyperlinks to provide contextually relevant sales opportunities. Note that when following a Southperry link to amazon anything you purchase will credit us, you don't have to purchase a specific item or the item that you originally enter the site by.
Thanks for your support!