Since Youtube decided to go widescreen, I've altered the embed tags here on Southperry to reflect the changes on Youtube itself. Therefore, all Youtube tagging coming from here will be widescreen as well.
Since Youtube decided to go widescreen, I've altered the embed tags here on Southperry to reflect the changes on Youtube itself. Therefore, all Youtube tagging coming from here will be widescreen as well.
Charlie the Unicorn lol
Myles it's because the words in your user title and sig are pulling in ads having to do with penises. (penisis? penisi?)
Last edited by JakeAndBake; 2008-11-25 at 01:51 PM.
Unicorn POWA!
Yey for Bigger Vids.
Ooh...looks much nicer than the previous version.
Anyways, screenshot of the ad on that website? I don't see it anywhere XD.
This is great! Thanks, Fiel, you rock.
Holy Crap! SEAGULLS!!!
Charlie the Unicorn >=D
Shun the non believers! SSSHHHHHUUUUUNNNNNN!!!!