Originally Posted by Gamasutra
Originally Posted by Gamasutra
Uh. "Shift" to free to play? someone's facts be crap.
Does this mean better security if Maple launches via Steam? ;o
Sephie: I would say that might be a possible outcome if it happens. Just need to find out if Nexon is considering the move.I would also agree with the comment Eos had made. The article's author must not have been entirely familiar with Nexon thinking they have been a recent entry to the free to play market. Considering Nexon has been around in North America since 2004-2005; I can see why that author didn't do the research beforehand. Considering the company has been around for 18 years, I wouldn't say they are a total newcomer to the MMO market either.
This is almost never the case.
There's always someway to find out a persons information unless you tie nothing to MS.
Facebook, email, even SP.
SW database leak a few years ago? Ya. You post your MS email, tell it to anyone, even miss type it into someplace it shouldn't be, that is your fault and not Nexon's.
Secure my ass. No one's THAT safe.
People slip up, Nexon as well. 90-95% of the time, it is the players fault.
Random statistic for the win, it's probably even higher than that.
Go blame hotmail or gmail.
Too much work.Originally Posted by KhainiWest
I've put 10-20b on an account I've had hacked several times, because I intentionally didn't change the PW/made a simple PW/made a 6 number pic of all the same #'s, and just changed the password.
Hasn't been hacked since.
Course occassionally it get's the failed login attempt due to someone password phishing, that's it.
Can't help that when your username is like
Uh, @Eos; was hacked on command, as a f`ucking dare. I know you try to act like you know something other players don't, but most hacking occurs because one single leak causes your ID/email to become vulnerable, then they attack a free email provider.
Your information is just as limited as our's and your individual circumstances/experiences do not speak truth. Although you do come from basil..which probably explains why you have this made up ratio in your head.
@Locked; got hacked with a 36 digit password as well.
Which is why I said the ratio was random.
However, it is most likely above that.
@mrtouchngoOriginally Posted by
It is not often that it is Nexon's fault.
Although it is not synonymous with majority, 5-10% is not considered "often" when comparing it to the other 90-95%.
As stated, maybe our vocabularies are different, doesn't matter either way as it is not true.
You can't claim something without proof. How many times has a leak happened with Nexon.
Take that and make a ratio of the days maplestory has been up.
Now tell me, is it often? Leaks only happen when obvious. You can not claim a leak has happened/happens just because someone gets hacked.
Sure, they may be compromised every single fricken day, but you do not know that, so do not assume they are.
Glass always empty, never even half full here, huh?
Edit: also, often can very from 5-100% of the time, but you know it is nowhere near that low in anyones definition. I'd assume it was between 33-50%, if not more, for most people.
All those people have weak passwords.
Disprove me.
You're really telling me to rely on a thread with people complaining?
Hell, I've posted in that thread already.
That isn't evidence of anything other than the aforementioned lack of security on an individuals part.
No ones going to admit they put there password as 111111 when there's a chance of compensation, as well as saving face.
OooOOoh discussion, fantastic.
Most be true, where's that pirate revamp at?
Are you kidding?
I know I like to argue, and you all with me as it is amusing, but seriously?
I wonder if Combat Arms will become less of a cesspool of a game if it's on Steam. What're the requirements for Valve to carry an F2P on Steam?
Steam is super duper lame