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  1. Default What is Leashing?

    Note: If you don't know what a Jungler is, see: TheOddOne's Jungle Guide
    Disclaimer: Use guides to improve your understanding of something - NEVER blindly follow a guide 100% of the time, use your understanding to judge what applies to your situation and what doesn't and go from there.

    Leashing is the process of drawing the aggro of jungle creeps, usually the large golem (Blue Buff) and large lizard (Red Buff) for a Jungler. Sometimes, more rarely, the large Wolf (due to the chance of high damage crits) - however, leashing the wolves can be problematic due to their high move speed, resulting in the jungler having to waste time chasing them. This is usually only done at level 1 on the first major creep the Jungler kills.

    Leashing is most common from ranged champions or from champions that commonly take a ranged skill at level 1. Usually your mid/top lanes (blue side) or mid/bottom (purple side) will be expected to provide a leash if needed for the Blue Buff, and vice versa for Red. It's fairly common for a team to invade the enemy jungle early, and as such the rest of the team should usually remain close by until the minions spawn before heading to their respective lanes.

    The most common form of a leash is a simple autoattack or skill from behind the wall the creep spawns by, causing the creep to start walking around the wall towards the champion that attacked them. Meanwhile the Jungler begins autoattacking/using skills on the creep with impunity. After a short period of time the creep will stop being aggro'd to the original champion and should switch to the Jungler.

    It's also common for the leashing champion to continue attacking the creep and "kiting" it - staying just out of its attacking range while hitting it. This is referred to as a "hard leash" and is sometimes done if the Jungler wants to invade the enemy jungle early and needs to keep Smite for stealing an enemy creep.

    Champions without a ranged attack/skill can also leash, usually by autoattacking at melee range and then immediately running towards their lane.

    Note: Leashing is most effective with the least chance of a problem when done by a single person and the Jungler. Involving more champions risks the creep aggroing the wrong person at the wrong time and walking back to its spawn point and healing - this is worse for the Jungler than not having a leash at all, as it drastically slows down their jungle clear speed and tends to put them at much lower HP than they would otherwise have.

    Some junglers will start at either the wolf or wraith camp - these camps spawn at 1:40, a full 15 seconds prior to the buff golem/lizard camps. A leash is not typically needed here, but usually a quick attack or two on the creeps at these camps will help your jungler out. CAUTION: Do NOT stand within experience range of these creeps when they're about to die, as taking EXP from them can prevent your Jungler from reaching level 4 on a single jungle clear (this is bad - this limits their ganking potential). Avoid last-hitting these creeps as well - again, your Jungler is working with much more limited spawns than players in lanes and every bit of gold and experience in their first clear is extremely important to them.

    This helps your Jungler in several ways - they take less damage from the leashed critter while they're at their most vulnerable (level 1), allowing them to more safely clear the rest of the jungle afterwards. The small bit of extra damage helps them kill the creep a bit faster as well. The faster the Jungler finishes their initial clear (or, for level 2 ganks, the initial creep kill) the faster they can be conducting ganks. Usually there is no downside to leashing for the laning champion beyond a small mana/energy cost - there's no reason a proper leash can't be completed with the champion back in their lane prior to the first minion dying.

  2. I post a lot Bi Male
    IGN: ZesseiBijin
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Kanna
    Guild: NEST
    Farm: Razmosia

    Default Re: What is Leashing?

    Very informative, thanks.

    The first time i was asked to pull i was like "..what?"

  3. Default Re: What is Leashing?

    I most commonly play as a jungler, and two of the biggest sources of headaches I have in the very early game (lv 1-6) are people that try to help with wolves and either get too close (and take experience) or accidentally last-hit one, especially the big wolf, and people not leashing properly and causing the golem/lizard to walk back and heal. Adding 15 seconds to my jungle clear or preventing me from hitting level 4 on a normal clear is painful and causes a trainwreck of other problems.

    It may sound petty, but you have to realize that the initial clear for a Jungler is, more than anything, based on math - there are very few variables since the interaction with other champions is limited. Because of this, and because they rely on a smaller pool of creeps to get experience/money from than laners, even a small difference in experience or gold can dramatically impact their success.

  4. Certified Pimento Bi Male
    IGN: xxxxFenixR
    Server: Bera
    Level: Mix
    Job: Severals
    Guild: None
    Alliance: Nada
    Farm: Wut?

    Default Re: What is Leashing?

    I don't usually get why people kill the wolves before blue, yes i know its like 15 sec of spawn time difference between the two but its not like you are going to gain THAT much time and at worst you lose some bit of health from doing so (Either the jungler or the leasher if any). Wolves also don't lvl you up like blue does, and since blue lvl you up you can grab a second skill to finish the wolves fast and safely. But meh thats just my opinion.

  5. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: What is Leashing?

    You only lose like 50-100 HP and you might as well do something before blue spawns.

  6. Default Re: What is Leashing?

    There's a full 15 seconds between wolves spawning and Blue (or Wraiths and Red). Why WOULDNT you kill them first? Assuming you already have someone standing by to leash, there's no reason that wolves shouldn't die in those 15 seconds. They'll respawn by the time you're done with Wraiths/Double Golems (Wolves > Blue > Wraiths or Wraiths > Red > Double Golems). Again, everything for levels 1-4 for a Jungler is based on being as efficient as possible with your time. 10-15 seconds makes a huge difference here, especially if the enemy jungler is one that clears the jungle quickly and can invade easily.

    Again, the difference on paper looks small, and it sounds petty, but it is a huge difference in actual gameplay. Level 1-4 is make or break for a jungler - there's a reason you take flat armor runes instead of armor per level, and that reason is the first jungle clear. After that you should never be threatened by jungle creeps.

  7. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: What is Leashing?

    It depends on the jungler, but if you kill wolves first, they usually respawn by the time you finish the wraiths and walk back (wolves>>blue>>>wraiths>>>wolves).

  8. Certified Pimento Bi Male
    IGN: xxxxFenixR
    Server: Bera
    Level: Mix
    Job: Severals
    Guild: None
    Alliance: Nada
    Farm: Wut?

    Default Re: What is Leashing?

    At such low levels, 50-100hp might be the diference between a failed or a successful gank. Never liked jungling with low health, so i could always be ready in case of a gank.

  9. Default Re: What is Leashing?

    If this is the case, you are being too aggressive in your ganks or ganking too early. The difference in gold, depending on your starting items and build order can be the difference between, say, upgrading Regrowth to a Philo and buying boots after your first clear or only being able to afford a Faerie Charm and boots (and thus delaying your gold/5 item or having less mobility for your ganks).

  10. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: BuffDaSnail
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 15x
    Job: DrK!
    Guild: Irresistible
    Alliance: IrreForce

    Default Re: What is Leashing?

    Speeds up your clear time in the jungle by quite a bit.

  11. Default Re: What is Leashing?

    For blue, your top and mid should come.

    For red, your mid and bot should come.

    For wolves, you let the jungler hit first, then attack the wolves from range leaving them low enough for the jungler to last hit.
    Same for wraiths.

    Your definition of a "hard leash" is what EVERYONE should be doing.

    Don't leash shaco. Don't bother helping Maokai and his small camps.


  12. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: What is Leashing?

    It depends on the side you boob.

  13. Default Re: What is Leashing?

    I'm permastuck on blue side.

    Please help me.

  14. Default Re: What is Leashing?

    I disagree - for a lot of champions this can be problematic, dangerous, or mana-intensive. Most of the time it's also unnecessary, and if your jungler is a slow one, it can result in you missing lane experience/gold due to minions dying before you get there. Longer leashes can also result in your jungler having to attack, move, attack, move vice simply attacking - making it not necessarily any faster.

  15. Certified Pimento Bi Male
    IGN: xxxxFenixR
    Server: Bera
    Level: Mix
    Job: Severals
    Guild: None
    Alliance: Nada
    Farm: Wut?

    Default Re: What is Leashing?

    Aynia has a point, i recently tried doing wolves first, and if anyone other than the jungler get the first hit, those wolves will run all over the place, and since you want a "Faster and Efficient" clear you don't want that.

    For blue its possible because hes slow as pineapple, but not the wolves. (Maybe wraiths its the same? never started there)

  16. Default Re: What is Leashing?

    This is hyper important, get failed leashes all the time in pub games when I jungle because people don't understand this:

    Long story short: Do not stay in range of the tiny minions to help out with damage for a couple seconds, either stay within the big guy's range, or leave. Else you do more harm than good.

  17. Default Re: What is Leashing?

    Why is it called Leashing? Why not...taunting or something along those lines.

    Regardless, nice guide Breadman! Dj and my friend Bryan taught me how to "Leash" on my first bot game with them. I play Ashe a lot so I suppose its good to know.

  18. Default Re: What is Leashing?

    I am pretty sure that's a left-over term from DotA.
    In DotA creeps have a leash-range which is the maximum range you could pull them to before they had to return(just like it works in LoL atm), like a dog wearing a leash.
    So yea, it has that name since someone wearing a leash would have a 'range' that they couldn't move outside of.

  19. Default Re: What is Leashing?

    This is probably one of the worst things I've ever heard on the LoL subforum, or in any discussion related to LoL.

    You're going to do wolves anyway, might as well clear the jungle quicker.

  20. Default Re: What is Leashing?

    The reasons for the 15 seconds is for strategy. That 15 seconds could very well get you first blood, or even securing a red buff for your bot lane, or a blue for your mid/top lane. It's just being very sneaky and being thoughtful of your jungle times. Oddone abused this very much so today during the 2nd game against TGF, Where Oddone disrupts Amumus jungle so badly, he ganks them kills him at level 1, takes their red, has his blue, takes his red then kills him when he has blue and he was still level 1 when Oddone was lv 3. In end ruining the jungler and snowballing to win the game easily.



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