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  1. Default Chinchilla Team Thread


    Please join any invited chats from me this weekend.
    If I invite you to a chat it means I am attempting to organize a game.

    We have 3 games played with a 2-1 win/loss record.
    2 more games are required to leave provisional and gain a rating so lets get moving!

    (Last updated on 4/21/12)

    GAME 1: WIN
    GAME 2: LOSS
    GAME 3: WIN
    Last edited by Duelman; 2012-04-21 at 12:18 PM.

  2. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    4 more wins to get to 1400, then I can join the team .

  3. Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    I would if you guys would invite me to the team.

  4. Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    Mmmmm remember the second team I have interest in forming, for a more casual environment.
    Of course I still want to win and will be somewhat of a hard ass though. :P

    You two want in?

  5. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    Nope just invite me to the real team when I get to 1400 elo.

    Now in 5 wins.

  6. Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    We already have casual team "Southperry" that has never played a game.

  7. Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    Its THAT casual

  8. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    Hey, we only played one less game than the Chinchilla team.

    I guess I should make that thread huh.

  9. Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    Hey guys I'd really like to 5 man today a few games. I also have 1 slot available for a ringer if we don't have 5 on.

    The last game's roster (for reference if a spot needs filled) consisted of:
    Me - Solo Top
    Kaj - AP mid
    Bob - Ranged DPS
    Manu - Support
    Will - Jungler

  10. Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    I'll be around tonight if you need an extra person. I play pretty much play any of the roles except support.

  11. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: BuffDaSnail
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 15x
    Job: DrK!
    Guild: Irresistible
    Alliance: IrreForce

    Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    I just got back from a trip to Boston and I see this.

    What time is the game?

  12. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    Wait wait, it's April Fool's Day .

  13. Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    No it wasn't that I just got a headache earlier and had to lay down for a while.

  14. Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    *ring ring*
    Manu: wtp?
    *ring ring*
    -picks up phone-
    Manu: Yes?
    Mysterious voice: 7 dayssssss.

  15. Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    LOL that's a cute way to put it but yeah something like that.

  16. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: BuffDaSnail
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 15x
    Job: DrK!
    Guild: Irresistible
    Alliance: IrreForce

    Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    We'll need to resume playing games this weekend or our team ceases to exist


  17. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    It only ceases to exist if some other team decides to name themselves Chinchilla.

  18. Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    *cough* Wow you traitor...

  19. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread



  20. Default Re: Chinchilla Team Thread

    You aren't supposed to tell people your evil plan before you actually do it.. geez.



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