Hello people,
I know I am sure to get a ton of comments on "Use search bar" and "Don't spend money/time on Maple" or "this is why I don't play this game", but I'm gonna ask anyways. And I did search >_<
I'm a level 12x DK and I have a very low range, well at least I think so. Fully buffed, my range is 5.9-8.4k. I am presumably getting 40k nx tomorrow and right now I have around 300m and I was wondering what the wisest option to increase my range would be. And not just with NX, but all together. I'm currently using all those legendary maple junk equips right now, at least the set bonus isnt too bad. I have 6% STR earings right now and that's it. I was thinking of getting one of the Evolving Ring level 3's, but I'm not sure. 120m is a lot of money, for me at least >_< I might try to get a Mark of Naricain, but finding a party is pretty hard... and most people just jack the MoN, ah well.
With these funds, does anyone have a projection on how high I can get it with that?
My current objectives:
1) Mark of Naricain
2) Ludi PQ Glasses OR Kenta's Glasses OR Specs (One can dream...)
That's all stuff I can pretty much get without the use of mesos... or NX at least.
So I appreciate all your suggestions and such! Thanks again! Remember, I primarily want to increase my range. That's the goal.
Also get 3% STR from the hat.