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  1. Default Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    Update -
    Last edited by Eos; 2012-02-15 at 06:58 AM.

  2. Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    How sneaky can they really get?

  3. Neutron Straight Male
    IGN: godrocker
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 181
    Job: Where's My Ship
    Guild: Osmoga
    Alliance: Fjords
    Farm: Elosia

    Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    -Crosses fingers and toes- Sneaky as in...fixing glitches sneaky? :3 Maybe a lil' craven and ST deletion? Oh lord, please let Nexon be aGOOD sneaky for once.

  4. Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    It'll be one of the few times I'm glad to be wrong, if they indeed do something about the SSS and other things with this USC.

  5. Won't Be Coming Back Male

    IGN: Biades4hire
    Server: Windia
    Level: 19x
    Job: Dual Blade

    Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    Theyll probably just add in the cashshop items that they would've in the weekly scheduled maintenance, maybe world transfers too.
    The public dupe and SSS fiasco?
    Next week if we're lucky.

  6. Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    "Meso Sacks are back!"

    I wouldn't put it past them.

  7. Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    Thank god the game is down. I'll be hoping for the best and expecting to be disappointed.

  8. Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    Got a long way to go but I'm there with you. After being silent for so long after the weekend I figured they were just going to ignore it, but once again that's if this is what it's even for.

  9. Orbital Bee Cannon Straight Male
    IGN: Musiphe
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 277
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Epic
    Alliance: Fatal

    Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    inb4 they start throwing bans at people for having X amount of mesos, assuming they don't RB.

  10. Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    im kinda on the fence about wanting a rollback -- gonna be good for the game obviously, but i did pass a couple books on my DS and craft quite a few nice earrings... (though i care more about the will and diligence from crafting)

  11. Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    Unless they give us even greater compensation than they did for the last RB, including 3x or higher EXP/drop rates, I'd probably quit if they RB.

    Though, like I've said before, I just can't see them RBing two times in less than a month. At best SSS will become untradable or be removed from the game, but I doubt there will be any bans or a rollback.

    Login servers are coming back up, just opened the game

  12. Orbital Bee Cannon Straight Male
    IGN: Musiphe
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 277
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Epic
    Alliance: Fatal

    Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    no RB, no bans, no SSS disable.


  13. Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    Sooooo they did nothing with their "other items that may be done". Awesome.

  14. Orbital Bee Cannon Straight Male
    IGN: Musiphe
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 277
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Epic
    Alliance: Fatal

    Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    Well, they DID say "MAY be done", but still...

  15. Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    Hackers are going crazy in MTS already as they celebrate their newly duped items.

  16. Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    Update: Nexon removed SSS from the Vega NPC in Ludibrium. Don't know if you can MTS it but there are some in MTS at the moment.

    edit: Kay, they're not MTS-able either but they're still tradeable in the town if you have scrolls leftover, which is completely dumb because hackers will just dupe and exchange them. Requires work but they will do it.

  17. Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    So they shut down everything regarding SSS except the part that was the original problem in the first place where the mesos are actually spawned (which could also have been done during a SC since it's just an NPC function)? Didn't completely wipe the supply of SSS either? And took no measures regarding the rampant duping?

    The game went up too fast.

  18. Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    They should have deleted the scrolls completely. Just so dumb. At least take care of the meso issue first then go to the other problems. God.

  19. Default Re: Unscheduled Server Maintenance - 02.14.2012

    I'm guessing the dupe method isn't patched either..? I'm about at my limit on this game.. >_<



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