Results 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Default Potential Scheduled Downtime, maybe.

    Yeah. That server list is useless since customers don't know which host they're on, AKA, when we'll be down, if we're even going to be affected by this. So, uh. Brace for turbulence. Or something.

  2. Default Re: Potential Scheduled Downtime, maybe.

    Oh well, as long as they dont pull a nexon im sure we'll be fine.

  3. Default Re: Potential Scheduled Downtime, maybe.

    Compensation is as follows:

    - 2x Post event, from 2-4pm on Sunday and Saturday of 25/26, all posts you make on the forums will increase your post count by two instead of one, happy posting!

    Hmm, sounds about right I think

  4. Default Re: Potential Scheduled Downtime, maybe.

    Eos, which company is SP on ? Do they provide shared hosting for smaller sites ??



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