I'm pretty sure this confirms a third game is coming. Not that we all didn't know anyway... but yeah.
I'm pretty sure this confirms a third game is coming. Not that we all didn't know anyway... but yeah.
Didn't they say somewhere that they weren't gonna make a third game for this gen? Also I'd rather they start working on another game other than a 3rd one which is almost similar .
When have they not made a 3rd game? First time for everything i guess.
One of my friends wasn't convinced for some reason that a third game was coming out. At least now I have solid proof.
Oh wow, I've always had a hunch that Kyurem would have an alt too. Like Giratina was so.. out of place in the first two games of the triad.
Great find. Shaymin/Giratina/Rotom having the same treatment for placeholder data before Platinum makes this solid proof.
To be fair, it's not actual proof. Nintendo could easily have planned for a Pokemon Grey, but then scrapped the idea. If there is one coming, it'll probably be out in Japan around september, so we should just wait and see. Personally, I'm hoping if it does exist that it's a 3DS game.
Gray's confirmed long before you have known.
It's parked. Same people who parked blackandwhite, I belive.
Also, this "second form" is already spotted.
I really hope they don't make it 3DS-only. I don't know how/why they would do that, honestly, but... a guy can dream.
With the Kyurem/Keldeo movie coming out this year, it'd be the perfect time for them to announce/release Gray.