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  1. Default Arkarium (the easy ghost one) isn't showing up

    Describe the problem. Be as specific as possible!:

    So I did the new silent crusade questline on my bishop and finished it fine. However, when I did it with my DS, when i get to the part where I fight the ghosty Arkarium, I get his chat pop ups, but the actual mob you fight doesn't spawn. I tried relogging, going back to TT and back in, different channels, but I cant get it to work. Has anyone else run into this or know how I can fix it?

    ps. Quest can't be forfeited.

  2. Default Re: Arkarium (the easy ghost one) isn't showing up

    I heard someone say that you have to walk slowly through the room, if you glide it glitches up. Can't verify it though.

  3. Default Re: Arkarium (the easy ghost one) isn't showing up

    Hmmm I'm gonna try this thank you.

    EDIT: Didn't work either, i walked super slow until i got the second popup and still he didn't spawn.
    Last edited by Joe; 2012-02-06 at 03:50 PM.

  4. Default Re: Arkarium (the easy ghost one) isn't showing up

    I've got this on my Paladin as well.
    I'm waiting for a server check to see if that helps, since nothing else I've tried works.

  5. Default Re: Arkarium (the easy ghost one) isn't showing up

    Stuck there too. I'm glad it isn't just me.

  6. Lead Ball Male
    IGN: EastTimor
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 201
    Job: All of them
    Guild: Faith
    Alliance: Solace
    Farm: Travel

    Default Re: Arkarium (the easy ghost one) isn't showing up

    Had this problem on my Marksman and after a couple of failed attempts on the same channel, I cc'd and it finally spawned.

  7. Default Re: Arkarium (the easy ghost one) isn't showing up

    It took me about 10-12 relogs on different days and channels to finally get it.

  8. Default Re: Arkarium (the easy ghost one) isn't showing up

    This but six. Not quite sure what the issue is, but relogging a bunch is the only "fix" I've heard of.

  9. Default Re: Arkarium (the easy ghost one) isn't showing up

    Yep, after several relogs and fails, he finally showed up for me as well. Just glad it works eventually.

  10. Default Re: Arkarium (the easy ghost one) isn't showing up

    Tried the relog thing and it worked on the third try. I thought I was going to be stuck there forever.

  11. Default Re: Arkarium (the easy ghost one) isn't showing up

    Tried to look at this quest quite a bit of times, I can't seem to produce the bug you guys are experiencing oddly. DS, DB, BaM, all 3 didn't have any issues whatsoever when I got to the boss. I just sped thru the quests quickly too unless me taking it a bit slow in the chat dialog in the final room actually helps to spawn the boss. As soon as I entered the room the npc dialog appears and afterwards I just glide/FJ/teleport right to the boss and hes right there.

  12. Default Re: Arkarium (the easy ghost one) isn't showing up

    I've had this problem but relogging once made it work.

  13. Default Re: Arkarium (the easy ghost one) isn't showing up

    By relogging to you mean just going back to the channel select screen?

  14. Default Re: Arkarium (the easy ghost one) isn't showing up

    Yes, and try a different channel...
    Let's say you were in ch 13, now relog in ch 14 or other channel except 13



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