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  1. Polar Bear Gay Male
    IGN: danielcatu
    Server: yellonde
    Level: 121
    Job: Wind Archer
    Guild: Vendetta
    Farm: 765pro

    Default what's supposed to be coming after arkarium patch?

    I'm kinda confused with the lastest patches

  2. Default Re: what's supposed to be coming after arkarium patch?

    PQ mini-revamp. GSPQ, PYPQ, and Dojo.
    Advance of the Union- More Evan and Aran buffs, some Resistance buffs
    Union- Warrior/Archer/Magician and Cygnus buffs
    Justice- Pirate and Thief Revamps
    Phantom- Phantoms.
    Aswan- Aswan.

    Throw Mapleversary in there somewhere.

  3. Default Re: what's supposed to be coming after arkarium patch?

    Dojo/Carnival updates should be coming next iirc.

  4. Idiot. Male
    IGN: Enfris
    Server: Reboot GMS
    Level: 173
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Forever alone.jpg
    Alliance: Forever alone.jpg

    Default Re: what's supposed to be coming after arkarium patch?

    I'm excited for the Dojo update for some reason, even though I know I won't be able to get the OP'd equips.



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