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  1. Neutron
    IGN: DarkXDaisuke
    Server: Scania
    Level: 172
    Job: NightLord
    Guild: Conundrum
    Alliance: Noble

    Default Weird Ads you get after closing MS

    I got some Japanese laptop ad after I closed ms O.o weird...

    I'm not in japan either so how will the advertisement generate revenue for the company is nexon just trying to appeal to players from japan in gms now?

  2. Orbital Bee Cannon Straight Male
    IGN: Musiphe
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 277
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Epic
    Alliance: Fatal

    Default Re: Weird Ads you get after closing MS

    I never get the ads to show up. I always get a "Broken Script" error notice to pop up every time, probably due to NoScript and Ad-Block+.

  3. Default Re: Weird Ads you get after closing MS

    my maple always crash when i close it lol. so I never get any ads.

  4. Default Re: Weird Ads you get after closing MS

    After I started getting BSODs from Maple, I got into the habit of terminating the Maplestory process before the client fully closes. So no ads. And no BSODs, unless I get DCed while AFKing. But I do remember getting bank ads (for the right country) before that.

  5. Neutron
    IGN: DarkXDaisuke
    Server: Scania
    Level: 172
    Job: NightLord
    Guild: Conundrum
    Alliance: Noble

    Default Re: Weird Ads you get after closing MS

    Yeah... Bsod from ms, now that is serious. I have noscript and adblock+ but i still see the ad unless it is because you have those on ie

  6. Polar Bear Gay Male
    IGN: danielcatu
    Server: yellonde
    Level: 121
    Job: Wind Archer
    Guild: Vendetta
    Farm: 765pro

    Default Re: Weird Ads you get after closing MS

    I always got the fat woman getting fit ad...

    but now i think when i close ms I always get error



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