Alliance Rising Events
Alliance Rising is full of events and rewards for your efforts! Read on for all you need to know about the Alliance Rising events.
Click here for the full update notes.
New Legends Shop
- NPC Lucia has been added to the major towns of Maple World.
- Open from February 1 to March 8.
- The shop sells various Legends exclusive equips and scrolls that can upgrade the item.
- The items can be purchased by Legends Maple Coins.
- You can obtain the Legends Maple Coins by trading in the Legends Maple Leaves. (100 Legends Maple Leaves = 1 Maple Coin.) Legends Maple Leaf is a monster drop item.
- Legends Maple Coins can be obtained through the [Raise a Maple Coin Tree] quest as well.
Legendary Thank You Events
Protect the Fireworks Festival
- February 1 - February 28
- You must be level 10 or higher.
- Talk to Gaga and receive the Wet Fireworks item. Keep it in the SETUP inventory for 30 minutes to turn it into 1 Dry Fireworks. Wet Fireworks will disappear if you log out before it turns into Nice Dry Fireworks. (Repeatable)
- Rewards: EXP (varies by character level)
[Legends] Legends of Happiness!
- February 1 - March 14
- Reach level 50 or level 70 on one of the Legends classes (Cannoneer, Mercedes, Demon Slayer). Accept the quest from Gaga.
- Rewards: At level 50, Tania Cloak (Cash Decorative Item, Cape, Charm +30) At level 70: Mercury Cloak (Cash Decorative Item, Cape, Charm +30)
[Legends] I'm the Legendary Hero!
- February 1 - March 14
- Equip the full set of 7 Legendary Maple Armors and use the Orange Mushroom 30-day mount.
- The full set contains the following:
- The Orange Mushroom 30-Day mount can be obtained through the [From Golden Leaves to Mushrooms?] quest.
- Reward: The True Legendary Hero Medal (All classes, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +8, MaxHP/MaxMP/ACC/Avoidability +80, In Battle Mode: ATT +2)
How to obtain the Legendary Maple Armors - The Legendary Maple Armors can be found in the Legendary Maple Box.
- They are also available through NPC Lucia: Legends Shop with Legends Maple Coins.
- Legends Maple Coins can be obtained by trading Legends Maple Leaves (monster drop item) or completing the [Raise a Maple Coin Tree] quest.
How to obtain the Orange Mushroom 30-day mount - You can obtain the mount through Gachapon.
- You can also obtain the mount by collecting Golden Maple Leaves and completing the [From Golden Leaves to Mushrooms?] quest.
- The Golden Maple Leaves can be obtained through [From Golden Leaves to Mushrooms?], [A Golden Maple Leaf A Day!], and [Monsters and the Golden Maple Leaf!].
Raise a Maple Coin Tree
- February 1 - February 14
- You must be level 10 or higher.
- Monsters in your level range will drop the Legends Maple Coin Trees. Double-click the item to put it into an item pot, which is accessible through your inventory (the [I] key).
- Feed the tree with ETC or Equip items in your level range to make them fall asleep. The tree will be available for harvesting in 30 minutes. (Repeatable)
- Only the monsters whose level falls between 20 levels above or 10 levels below your character's level will drop the Legends Maple Coin Trees.
- Rewards: Legends Maple Coins, Sunrise Dew, Reindeer Milk, or the Legendary Maple Tree buff.
- The Legendary Maple Tree buff varies by the character's level:
Lv. 1: ATT/M.ATT +10, MaxHP/MaxMP +100, Speed +20 for 30 minutes.
Lv. 2: ATT/M.ATT +20, MaxHP/MaxMP +200, Speed + 20 for 30 minutes.
Lv. 3: ATT/M.ATT +30, MaxHP/MaxMP +400, Speed+20 for 30 minutes.
From Golden Leaves to Mushrooms?
- February 11 - March 14
- You must be level 13 or higher.
- Obtain 10 Golden Maple Leaves and talk to Gaga.
- Reward: 1 Orange Mushroom 30-Day Coupon
A Golden Maple Leaf A Day!
- February 1 - March 14
- Pre-requisite: Accept [From Golden Leaves to Mushrooms?].
- Accept the quest from Gaga. Afterwards, you can accept the quest from Gaga and receive the reward for each day you log in. (Repeatable once a day)
- Reward: 1 Golden Maple Leaf
Monsters and the Golden Maple Leaf!
- February 15 - March 14
- Pre-requisite: Accept [From Golden Leaves to Mushrooms?].
- Accept the quest from Gaga and eliminate 500 monsters in your level range. (Repeatable)
- Only the monsters whose level falls between 20 levels above and 10 levels below your character's level will count.
- Rewards: 1 Golden Maple Leaf
Valentine's Day Events
- February 8 - February 21
- Help to untangle the complicated love rectangle of Maple NPCs and reap EXP, buffs, and random rewards from the Valentine's Day Box.
- Each Valentine's Day Box may contain one of many goodies, including the 2 Advanced Equip Enhancement Scrolls Coupon, 2 Equip Enhancement Scrolls Coupon, 2 Advanced Potential Scrolls Coupon, 2 Potential Scrolls Coupon and more.
Gaga's Confession
- Talk to Gaga and accept the quest. Monsters Bring 100 Gift Wrapping Papers back. (Repeatable)
- The quest item can be obtained from all monsters.
- Reward: EXP (varies by character level) and 1 Valentine's Day Box
Admin's Heart
- Talk to Maple Administrator and accept the quest. Bring 100 Chocolates back. (Repeatable)
- The quest item can be obtained from all monsters.
- Reward: EXP (varies by character level) and 1 Valentine's Day Box
Inkwell's One-sided Love
- Talk to Inkwell and receive 1 Melted Chocolate. Keep the item in your inventory for 30 minutes to turn it into 1 Completed Chocolate. (Repeatable)
- Reward: EXP (varies by character level) and 1 Valentine's Day Box
Who Does Cassandra Like?
- Talk to Cassandra. Eliminate 1 Cake Monster that appears in certain maps.
- Reward: EXP (varies by character level) and 1 Valentine's Day Box
Love Spreader
- Receive a buff from Cody every time you complete a set of the 4 Valentine's Day quests above.
- Reward: Valentine's Day Buff (ATT/M. ATT +30)
Legendary Memories Events
- February 22 - March 7
- You must be level 10 or higher.
- Celebrate the legendary memories with 7 days of events and a mountain of rewards.
- Talk to Cassandra. Eliminate 50 daily quest items from the monsters of your level range and receive rewards. (Repeatable every 5 minutes.)
- Only the monsters whose level is 10 levels will drop the items.
- Quest items will drop after you accept the quest.
- Receive the Memory Journal through the Legendary Memories quest to keep track of your events.
- Day 1: EXP, 20 Power Elixirs
- Day 2: EXP, 3 Virtue's Blessing
- Day 3: EXP, Choose 1 from the following:
3 Legendary Mimir's Well Water and 1 Bling Bling Monkey or
3 Legendary Mimir's Well Water and 1 Red Bling Bling Monkey - Day 4: EXP, 3 1.5x EXP Coupons
- Day 5: EXP, 1 Advanced Equip Enhancement Scroll
- Day 6: EXP, 1 Potential Scroll
- Day 7: EXP, 1 Memory Box (One per day), 1 Legend Sweet and Tangy Earrings (Req Lev: 75, All classes, Untradeable, Category: Earring, STR/DEX/INT/LUK +3, DEF +50, Magic DEF +50, Available Upgrades: 5, This item can be transferred within an account once using a Sharing Tag.).
Each Memory Box may contain the following:
Elven Glasses, Pink Beach Parasol Chair, Clean Slate Scroll 10%, Potential Scroll, Special Potential Scroll, 3 1.5x EXP Coupon, 3 Legendary Mimir's Well Water, 3 Virtue's Blessing, 20 Power Elixirs, or 20 Watermelons Want to discuss the event notes with others?
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