Currently residing in El Nido, but I don't mind server transferring - the Axe was 133 clean, 10/10 GM scrolls and one AEE, bringing it up to 187 attack. No potential, thanks to the rollback. If you're in Windia, or don't mind paying an extra 15k or so I can transfer it to Windia and use an epic potential scroll with a Shielding Ward.
Let me know if you're interested, or if anyone you know has one. Looking for average or above clean with some items to make up the difference in price (10 GM dagger scrolls would be great, or white scrolls, we can figure it out). If the dagger is significantly better than the axe I'll pay the difference.
Screenshot for those interested:
Edit: sold for 150k NX! Please close/disregard this thread. =)