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  1. Default S/T> Perfect 1h 140 Axe for Dagger

    Currently residing in El Nido, but I don't mind server transferring - the Axe was 133 clean, 10/10 GM scrolls and one AEE, bringing it up to 187 attack. No potential, thanks to the rollback. If you're in Windia, or don't mind paying an extra 15k or so I can transfer it to Windia and use an epic potential scroll with a Shielding Ward.

    Let me know if you're interested, or if anyone you know has one. Looking for average or above clean with some items to make up the difference in price (10 GM dagger scrolls would be great, or white scrolls, we can figure it out). If the dagger is significantly better than the axe I'll pay the difference.

    Screenshot for those interested:


    Edit: sold for 150k NX! Please close/disregard this thread. =)
    Last edited by Mazz; 2012-02-05 at 11:18 AM.

  2. Default Re: T> Perfect 1h 140 Axe for Dagger

    Updated a bit, don't mind transferring to any server for either a perfect (scrolled) dagger or an average+ dagger with items to cover the difference.

  3. Default Re: T> Perfect 1h 140 Axe for Dagger

    Would you be willing to sell it, and if so, for how much?

  4. Default Re: T> Perfect 1h 140 Axe for Dagger

    Only if I can find someone willing to sell a dagger - the axe is pretty much my only ticket to getting another 140 weapon. If I do decide to sell it though I'll keep you in mind, providing you're still looking. I'm not sure about a price yet, but I'll probably base the price on whatever someone wants for an equivalent dagger.

  5. Default Re: T> Perfect 1h 140 Axe for Dagger

    If you want to sell the dagger for nx I'm very much interested

  6. Default Re: T> Perfect 1h 140 Axe for Dagger

    If all else fails, how much would you guys be willing to pay in NX for the axe? (did you mean the axe, yo72? I'm not selling a dagger xd)

  7. Default Re: T> Perfect 1h 140 Axe for Dagger

    Ya I meant the axe derp moment sorry, and my buyer seems to have backed out sorry to get your hopes up
    I may still want it for personal use but I'll pm you if that comes up

  8. Default Re: T> Perfect 1h 140 Axe for Dagger

    Alright, no worries.

  9. Default Re: T> Perfect 1h 140 Axe for Dagger

    Had an offer of 80k NX in El Nido for it, going to start leaving it in a permit store to get more offers if the servers start being vaguely stable again. Seems like it'll be easier to sell the axe and try and buy an empress dagger, but if anyone sees a dagger (130 ATT+) in any server let me know =o

  10. Default Re: T> Perfect 1h 140 Axe for Dagger

    y u no sell Lv 140 1 handed sword T_T

  11. Default Re: T> Perfect 1h 140 Axe for Dagger

    C/o is now 100k NX! Still up for trading for a dagger if anyone has one though.

    Sorry :( I do what I do.

  12. Default Re: T> Perfect 1h 140 Axe for Dagger

    Haha its alright, bought a VL Sabre instead now. Freaking LOVE how it looks so im happy. :3

  13. Default Re: T> Perfect 1h 140 Axe for Dagger

    just some info, a clean dagger sold for 100k NX so :S

  14. Default Re: T> Perfect 1h 140 Axe for Dagger

    Jeez, thanks. =x I figured they'd be expensive. I've not had any luck even finding anyone that has one for sale yet.

    Current offer on the axe is now 110k. I updated the first post thingy with a screenshot because a few people have asked for one =o

  15. Default Re: T> Perfect 1h 140 Axe for Dagger

    Current offer is now 125k.

    Current offer is now 140k.

    Current offer is now 150k.

    Selling it to the wonderful Kaboshow tomorrow! :)
    Last edited by Mazz; 2012-02-04 at 07:50 PM.



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