Results 1 to 6 of 6
  1. Default AcornStory -- Playing a Demon Slayer

  2. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis

    Default Re: AcornStory -- Playing a Demon Slayer

    nice ign of that DS

  3. Deluxe Refrigerator Straight Male
    IGN: Blackraven16
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 176
    Job: Fire/Posion
    Guild: Osomga

    Default Re: AcornStory -- Playing a Demon Slayer

    Damit nexon don't troll us with a broken skill

  4. Neon Atom Gay Male
    IGN: Sylvananna
    Server: El Nido
    Level: 210
    Job: Mercedes
    Guild: LegacyReborn
    Alliance: Muse
    Farm: Farm

    Default Re: AcornStory -- Playing a Demon Slayer

    Nice Copy paste there Nexon.

  5. Default Re: AcornStory -- Playing a Demon Slayer

    You have to stick to what you know best.

  6. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: SaptaZapta
    Server: Kradia
    Level: 275
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Matriarchy
    Alliance: Peaceful

    Default Re: AcornStory -- Playing a Demon Slayer

    Why do they keep misdirecting warriors into adding DEX, while at the same time subtly informing them that their fellow players know better?




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