Results 1 to 14 of 14
  1. Default Legendary Black Dragon Ring can't be equipped by Warriors

    Describe the problem. Be as specific as possible!:
    It's warrior-only. Except not Paladins. Or Dark Knights. Or Fighters. ... Dawn Warriors. Aran.

    Only Demon Slayers can equip it.

    Anyone know what stat I don't have enough of?

    Images of problem

  2. Default

    I'm guessing it's like how Kataras say they're thief only but can only be equiped by Dual Blades, or Magic Arrows, Archers, and Mercs.

    This is even worse than I initially thought because I was already thinking it sucked that only warriors got a great new potentialable ring. =/

  3. Default

    It's funny how they bothered making it account-shareable. Who has multiple Demon Slayers on one account? And why?

  4. I post a lot Bi Male
    IGN: ZesseiBijin
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Kanna
    Guild: NEST
    Farm: Razmosia


    Not really, Katara's say on the tooltip that they can only be equipped by Dual Bladers, same with Mercedes arrows, Phantom cards and Demon Slayers Demon Aegis. This ring does not.

  5. Neon Atom Gay Male
    IGN: VVindswept
    Server: Mardia
    Level: 210
    Job: Wind Archer
    Guild: Memento
    Alliance: Christmas


    It's pure BS that they made this ring class specific in the first if demon slayers weren't OP enough let's give them a ring that can be potentialed...LF>common ring that can be gotten out of an event box that can be potentialed...

  6. In my dreams... Gay Male
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 215
    Job: Hoyoung
    Alliance: KATYPERRY


    In case you get it on a non-DS?

  7. Orbital Bee Cannon Straight Male
    IGN: Musiphe
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 277
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Epic
    Alliance: Fatal


    Almighty Ring...

  8. God of Terrorism Straight Male
    IGN: Bomber123
    Server: StranInSCA
    Level: 202
    Job: Terrorist
    Guild: Noctivagant
    Alliance: I dont remember
    Farm: ExpiredMobs


    Because almighty rings come out of event boxes, right????

  9. Default

    You can't use the chaos scroll that comes from the boxes on it either:



  10. Default

    At least you even got one. 15 boxes and still nothing so far. I got a scroll though.

  11. Default

    Wait, what? Wow...

    The idiocy...

  12. Default

    Hot time f3

  13. Default

    We get the same issue with the Elven Glasses. They give us two scrolls for glasses during the event then give us glasses that can't be scrolled....

  14. God of Terrorism Straight Male
    IGN: Bomber123
    Server: StranInSCA
    Level: 202
    Job: Terrorist
    Guild: Noctivagant
    Alliance: I dont remember
    Farm: ExpiredMobs


    That already passed, with almost or possibly no one getting it.
    Who would want an almighty ring out of hot times anyway? Even cavemen know how improbable it is!



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