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  1. Default Pros and Cons of All Classes

    What are the pros and cons of all classes? If you're playing an old class, you'll be stronger.

    Last edited by Five Second Pose; 2012-01-16 at 12:37 AM. Reason: well motherpineappleer jones

  2. Default

    So what's the point of this thread? Basically, everything for each "old class" is copy and pasted into the other "old classes", and all the "newer" classes are called "weak".

    Where did you do your research, man? Or rather, the better question is, who taught you how to do research?

    Check this out, guys! Marksmen arent just popular...they're VERY popular!!!!!

  3. Deluxe Refrigerator Straight Male
    IGN: Blackraven16
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 176
    Job: Fire/Posion
    Guild: Osomga


    Odd I have yet to actually meet a MM at LHC.

  4. Can of Soup Straight Male
    IGN: chicoran
    Server: Bera
    Level: 200
    Job: Aran IV
    Guild: Risk
    Alliance: Bastion


    What? Aran polearms are fast there are a bunch of fast(5) speed ones with booster it hits speed cap, we aren't weak but no OP like Demon slayers pre nerf or Mercedes, we are in general a well balanced class (at least for me) and as a Corsair user: we currently have weak defense, low hp and crap damage (no stance is annoying) and if aran isn't a old class neither pirates because they weren't in the first release of adventurers. In general not sure if this thread is serious...

  5. Default

    Mages don't really have low HP, they have low survivability. With Magic Guard and Decent HB I can take about 50-55k damage and still live.
    Mages have no party skills either lol. Meditation is useless to everything except other mages... so yeah... The only other party skill we have is Maple Warrior... which everyone has.
    Wouldn't consider them strong either but ok.
    Not as popular as some of the other classes out now either. For F/Ps at least. I/Ls are somewhat popular.

  6. Flatpanel TV Straight Male
    IGN: Dailom
    Server: Windia
    Level: 188
    Job: Wild Hunter
    Guild: Caelia
    Alliance: HighOrder



    I get the impression that the thread starter is one (or all) of three things:

    1. Oblivious to how this game works.
    2. Trying to make a joke thread.
    3. Trying to make a troll thread.

  7. Idiot. Male
    IGN: Enfris
    Server: Reboot GMS
    Level: 173
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Forever alone.jpg
    Alliance: Forever alone.jpg


    Someone should turn this into a table for god sakes. Drags down the page too much.

  8. Proton Female
    IGN: Lomelindel
    Server: Windia
    Level: 142
    Job: I/L Mage
    Guild: Caelia
    Alliance: HighOrder


    Don't Clerics have the lowest DPS out of all the classes until high levels? I wish my level 70 Cleric was strong...

  9. God of Terrorism Straight Male
    IGN: Bomber123
    Server: StranInSCA
    Level: 202
    Job: Terrorist
    Guild: Noctivagant
    Alliance: I dont remember
    Farm: ExpiredMobs


    Pro: EXP
    Con: weak
    Lol. When I read this I knew that this thread shouldn't be taken seriously.

  10. Default

    Mercedes, Weak, What?
    I like the idea of weighing up pros and cons of each class but come on put some friggin effort into it. A class being old or new should not be a pro nor con. Also if a class is popular what does that change?

    Take night lords of instance.
    Still a very popular class but currently pretty weak (which you put down as strong what?) compared to any jump/legend buffed char. And why the pineapple is revamp a con? that's something to look forward too.

    This is just YOUR opinion..

  11. Default

    This is a serious thread. I put enough pros and cons of all classes!

  12. Desk Straight Male
    IGN: NatsuEliseo
    Server: Galicia
    Level: 206
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Exploited
    Alliance: Family
    Farm: StarWars


    What the heck? Evan Pro: Fire Attacks only? We have party skills, we can revive 6 party members, we have all the elements, high damage dealers, and the speed on wand/staff doesn't affect us.

  13. God of Terrorism Straight Male
    IGN: Bomber123
    Server: StranInSCA
    Level: 202
    Job: Terrorist
    Guild: Noctivagant
    Alliance: I dont remember
    Farm: ExpiredMobs


    I don't see any pros or cons here. Why?
    Because they are all thrown sloppily together and make no sense, to boot.

  14. Default

    This thread is terrible. Saphiratamer, you should look into classes MUCH MUCH more before doing something as silly as this. Most of the pros and cons seem like you jsut thought of them in the last minute.

  15. Deluxe Refrigerator Straight Male
    IGN: Blackraven16
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 176
    Job: Fire/Posion
    Guild: Osomga


    Shame you forgot about poison.

  16. Default

    Then what are the pros and cons of all classes? Tell me then!


  18. Default

    I get better advice from my magic 8-ball.
    Thus, I encourage everyone to use one whenever they need some class advice instead of listening to what this guy has to say.

  19. Desk Straight Male
    IGN: NatsuEliseo
    Server: Galicia
    Level: 206
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Exploited
    Alliance: Family
    Farm: StarWars


    Doesn't our 90% Paralyze counts as poison? If not, then ok, my mistake, we are missing poison based attacks.




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