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Thread: Soloing Akyrum

  1. Default Soloing Akyrum

    my level 200 is due soon, and I will start bossing way more than I've previously done(mainly because of no EXP loss).

    respawning at Akyrum is like Van Leon, so no wheels required.

    I'm a hero, and my stats are:

    selfbuffed range: 68k~89k(roughly)
    total STR: 4216
    total DEX: 392(I think)

    I have 40% boss damage, 15% PDR ignore from weapon, 40% from combat mastery and like 10% from traits.
    I hit damage cap on normal monsters with enrage.

    what's your take on this? is it possible?

    (this might be the wrong section)

    thanks in advance.

  2. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis


    i say depends, the snakes supossedly have 99% physical pdr and heal akyrum, so i dunno really. depends if the pdr is actual (meaning %ignore skills affect it and you can still do damage) or if they're coded to receive 1 dmg from physical attks.

  3. Won't Be Coming Back Male

    IGN: Biades4hire
    Server: Windia
    Level: 19x
    Job: Dual Blade


    The snakes actually seem helpful, since you can stand on them to avoid his 30k hits(they only hit ~2k from what I've seen)

  4. Default

    thing is, I see videos where people just beating akyrum up until they get killed - then rebuff, rinse and repeat.
    it seems pretty easy, but time consuming, to me.

  5. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis


    think of him as if he were VL, remember how much the castle golems pineapple you up, even if von leon is a joke by himself?
    that's why i'm not sure, how "spammy" or annoying he is with the heals.

    and if i'm not wrong, you can simply use pots in there, it has no potion cooldown

  6. Default

    The snake things heal Akyrum for 10m HP each, and do have 99% PDR, so weapon classes only do 1 damage.

  7. Can of Soup Straight Male
    IGN: chicoran
    Server: Bera
    Level: 200
    Job: Aran IV
    Guild: Risk
    Alliance: Bastion


    are they boss target? if no an Aran could solo it.

  8. Default

    What exactly do you mean by boss target?
    If you mean bosses, then no they're not.

  9. Can of Soup Straight Male
    IGN: chicoran
    Server: Bera
    Level: 200
    Job: Aran IV
    Guild: Risk
    Alliance: Bastion


    like lhc mobs, they aren't bosses but can't be ohkoed (i.e. combo tempest)

  10. Default

    Most boss summons from major bosses are boss-type.
    And by most I mean I haven't seen any that aren't.
    Found this out when I tried to use Owl Spirit on the Boogies at Zak.
    So disappointing.
    I'm back peaches

  11. Default

    They're like LHC mobs.

  12. Can of Soup Straight Male
    IGN: chicoran
    Server: Bera
    Level: 200
    Job: Aran IV
    Guild: Risk
    Alliance: Bastion


    oh, thank you.

    Then every 1v1 dps class will be screwd unless they are too funded and arans/WKs can't go for easy solos but still i believe it would be a easy boss to a godly aran becuase at union they have 40% PDR ignore with maxed ambition and 30% pdr ignore from weapon it is 80%, can hit 10 targets and -40% damage from akyrum, umm nice i like it.

  13. Default

    More like:

  14. Default

    The snakes heal for like 10 mill or something so... don't get so carried away with the whole easy boss thing.

  15. Default

    Never expected an easy fight. I just wanted a realistic view from others, and some practical information.

  16. Water
    IGN: JerrysHero
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 200
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Imperious
    Alliance: TheAlmightys


    I'm close to 200 as well so I'll be trying him too. 100k range without echo or gizers. Problem is no boss dmg:(

    From what I seen, it shouldn't be that hard; just time consuming if he heals too much.

  17. Default

    exactly my take on it, which is why I consider him pretty easy.

  18. Default

    When I did my HT run a year ago I did some practice runs to get an idea of time/method. Although the method seems easy enough I'd do some practice runs so you get an idea on time then upgrade if necessary

  19. Default

    I did that for HT too, to find out I did it right from the start - though I know Akyrum will be a whole other story.



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