Just watch the video (in 720p)
Yeah, I watched this video a while back, pretty amazing. There has been a dry spell of good mechwarrior type games for too long now.
Wow, this is from a group of indie developers? Crazy quality for that.
that looks extremely detailed.
Holy pomegranate that looks AWESOME.
Holy crap! Holy crap!
I'm surprised that many people hadn't seen it yet, it's a trailer from last summer or something. Although I don't blame you for being excited, I'm still impressed every time I watch it. If it has a decent story and stuff to match that godly graphical value and the obvious bonus points from being a mechwarrior game, that could be game of said year. er, not said year. Whatever. The year it comes out!
It won't have a single-player. The story, at best, would be like L4D1's storytelling.
L4D1 won a game of the year, if I remember properly.
IIRC there's only so much an indie team can do. They're already beating Call of Duty's team.
Saw the video about six months ago. Looked total boss then, and still looks boss now.
I haven't been so sexually aroused by a FPS since UT2k3.
Expected Mechwarrior, disappointed
The screenshots do it a lot more justice than the video:
Looks...too.....good...-explodes in excitement-