Not sure if I'm allowed to make threads like this here or not (not going to explain how it works, I don't even know, just discuss it), but hopefully I am:
Has anyone encountered this lately? I got unbanned from a 30 day false GM Police autoban earlier today and went to LHC to train for a bit and EVERY SINGLE bears 5 map was taken with a hacker in it. Mostly Mercedes, with familiars that 1 hit kill the entire map all at once. I tried training for a bit in the one hacker-free map and in the 4 or so hours I trained there I had hackers ksing me every 15-20 minutes. The worst part, the party I was leeching left me to leech a hacker, and every time someone came in the map they were spamming either "J> hack party" or "R> leechers for hack party" Is that seriously what this game has come to? Everyone just wants to leech from hackers rather than actually playing the game? Makes me wonder if I should've bothered logging in after the ban or not...