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  1. Default Thief %/s (KMS Unlimited and GMS Tempest)

    Current Version: KMS 1.2.208

    Adjusted Mastery: A factor added to DPS to consider the fact that different classes may have different mastery values; it effectively weighs the average damage from minimum and maximum range, thus is lower than standard %/s. A character with more mastery will have an Adjusted Mastery DPS closer to its absolute DPS.
    Adjusted Mastery is always included in a character's %/s.
    How to use:
    Calculate your raw damage range and multiply with %/s. i.e. (4 * Mainstat + Secondarystat) * TotalWeaponAttack / 100 * %/s
    Do not use your in-game damage range. That is wrong for the majority of characters since it includes total damage.
    Divide out elemental resistance yourself (Hint: Divide by 2)

    Boss: The %/s with the listed % Additional Boss Damage.

    Hits/s, Max/s: Hits/Max damage per second based on the current attack setup, not necessarily the optimal hits/max per second possible, especially due to buffing. Any line of damage is considered a hit, even if it cannot reach the damage cap. Max/s is the maximum potential damage per second available. A skill such as Shadow Partner only deals a fraction of the damage cap as its maximum. Damage over time and summons deal their base damage assuming a range cap.

    All buffs are assumed to be used unless they don't provide any useful bonus (namely, +Accuracy buffs)

    Defense Ignore is using the post-Unlimited Formula.
    Night Lord:
    Level 200
    Level 250

    Edge Carnival
    Savage Blow
    Assassinate + ME
    Sharp Eyes

    Blade Master:
    Sharp Eyes

    Arrow Platter + Cross Over Chain
    Ultimate Drive/Twilight + Tempest of Card + Final Cut + Cross Over Chain
    Rapid Fire
    Sharp Eyes

    Blade Dancing

    Night Lord: Quadruple Throw for single target, Showdown Challenge for 2~6 targets, Shade Split for more. Purge Area does to not apply vs Bosses so is not used. Mark of Night Lord's four stars hits a single target if there is only one target. Dark Flare is included.
    Hyper: Uses Four Seasons, Bleeding Toxin, Quadruple Throw - Reinforce, Quadruple Throw - Boss killer, Quadruple Throw - Bonus Attack, Purge Area - Enhanced, Purge Area - Boss Killer. Uses Showdown Challenge - Reinforce, Showdown Challenge - Extra Target instead of Quadruple Throw for 2+ targets.

    Shadower: Edge Carnival and Muspelheim are used in their own tables, along with Boomerang Step. Assassinate is used whenever 5 KP is available. 5 KP is saved to recast Shadow Instinct. Meso Explosion is used for up to 4 targets, whenever ~180s passes before coins all expire with a Boomerang Step inbetween. Assassinate is used in-between. There is also a table to show what happens when Assassinate isn't used, and what happens when Assassinate is the only thing used.
    Hyper: Uses Veil of Shadow, Flip the Coin, Boomerang Step - Reinforce, Boomerang Step - Bonus Attack, Boomerang Step - Extra Target, Assassinate - Reinforce, Meso Explosion - Enhanced
    - Assassinate's Reinforce adds about 400%/s at 0% defense, and Limit Canceller adds around 15m/s.

    Blade Master: Dual Blade uses Phantom Blow for single targets, Blade Fury for multi-targets. Also includes a table for using Bloody Storm with Blade Fury, which is better on low defense mobs. Final Cut is cast whenever it is available. Evasion Mastery is set at 90% Avoid Rate for KMS and GMS, every 2 seconds. Advanced Dark Sight works on the same timer and acts as a 1.2x multiplier for one attack when it activates, with a chance of not disappearing. Effect is very marginal. There is a Chains of Hell table because some idiot said Chains of Hell was a good 4th job attacking skill. Ha. That's funny.
    Hyper: Uses Asura (est. 300ms), Hidden Blade, Phantom Blow - Reinforce, Phantom Blow - Bonus Attack, Phantom Blow - Ignore Guard, Bloody Storm - Reinforce, Bloody Storm - Bonus Attack

    Phantom: Cross Over Chains as 3rd job skill. Arrow Platter or Final Cut as 4th job skill. Uses Ultimate Drive with Final Cut, or Ultimate Drive regular for 5~6 targets for Arrow Platter. Twilight + Phantom Charge for more targets. Uses Tempest of Card for targets higher than Arrow Platter's max, or if Arrow Platter is not used at all.. Uses Judgement whenever possible with AUTO. The active card cannot affect this, so Critical Card will be replaced. SE is with a party member using SE. Actual damage would be a few %/s (unnoticeable) if you were to cast it yourself, in the case of Twilight and Ultimate Drive. Arrow Platter has a 0.9x damage penalty. Final Cut has no duration buffs or cooldown reductions.
    Hyper: Rose Carte Finale, Tempest of Card - Cooltime Reduce, Tempest of Card - Extra Target, Tempest of Card - Reinforce, Ultimate Drive - Reinforce, Ultimate Drive - Extra Target

    Xenon: Uses Blade Dancing in one table, and Fuzzy Lob Masquerade Sniper for single target and Bombing for multitarget in the other table. Hologram Graffiti - Penetration (210ms) is used for single targets. Force Field (540ms) is used for multitargets. Force Field damage is minorly detrimental for 0% Defense, but beneficial for higher defense as summons ignore defense. Aegis System is assumed to activate every 1.5 seconds. Energy expenditure is prioritised for OOPart Code, Linear Perspective, Incline Power, and then Dual Breeder Defensive. Extra Supply is used whenever energy is below 10, or OOParts is running low and a recast is required. Any extra energy that goes over 20 is calculated as Pinpoint Rockets. This gives a respective uptime of 75%, 100%, 100%, and 32%. If DBD is sacrificed, OOParts can have a near 100% uptime (99.x%). Note that in a party scenario, Hologram Graffiti - Support can be used to generate more energy. The summon damage is negligible comparatively.
    Hyper: Meltdown Explosion and Confine Entangle are used due to their debuffs. Amaranth Generator is used, and while active, Pinpoint Rockets are activated at a rate of 1 attack per second. Each table uses every hyper skill, except for Hologram Graffiti - Speed. I suspect this to be a greater benefit than Blade Dancing - Speed, or Fuzzy Lob Masquerade - Extra Target, but I do not know the specific attack speed it causes.
    Last edited by JoeTang; 2014-04-24 at 08:27 AM.

  2. Default Re: Thief %/s (Hyper Shadower, Night Lord, Blade Master, and Phantom)

    Current Version: GMS v138

    Adjusted Mastery: A factor added to DPS to consider the fact that different classes may have different mastery values; it effectively weighs the average damage from minimum and maximum range, thus is lower than standard %/s. A character with more mastery will have an Adjusted Mastery DPS closer to its absolute DPS.
    Adjusted Mastery is always included in a character's %/s.

    Boss: The %/s with the listed % Additional Boss Damage.

    Hits/s, Max/s: Hits/Max damage per second based on the current attack setup, not necessarily the optimal hits/max per second possible, especially due to buffing. Any line of damage is considered a hit, even if it cannot reach the damage cap. Max/s is the maximum potential damage per second available. A skill such as Shadow Partner only deals a fraction of the damage cap as its maximum. Damage over time and summons deal their base damage assuming a range cap.

    All buffs are assumed to be used unless they don't provide any useful bonus (namely, +Accuracy buffs)

    Defense Ignore is using the post-Unlimited Formula.
    Night Lord:
    Sharp Eyes

    Edge Carnival
    Assassinate Only
    Sharp Eyes

    Blade Master:
    Sharp Eyes

    Rapid Fire/Twilight
    Ultimate Drive
    Sharp Eyes

    Sharp Eyes

    Night Lord: Quadruple Throw for single target and Shade Split for multiple targets. Purge Area has been said to not apply vs Bosses so is not used.
    Hyper: Uses Four Seasons, Bleeding Toxin, Quadruple Throw - Reinforce, Quadruple Throw - Boss killer, Quadruple Throw - Bonus Attack, Shade Split - Reinforce, Shade Split - Bonus Attack

    Shadower: Edge Carnival and Muspelheim are used in their own tables, along with Boomerang Step. Assassinate is used whenever 5 KP is available. 5 KP is saved to recast Shadow Instinct. Meso Explosion is used whenever ~180s passes before coins all expire. Assassinate is used in-between for single targets. There is also a table to show what happens when Assassinate isn't used, and what happens when Assassinate is the only thing used.
    Hyper: Uses Veil of Shadow, Flip the Coin, Boomerang Step - Reinforce, Boomerang Step - Bonus Attack, Boomerang Step - Extra Target, Assassinate - Bonus Attack, Meso Explosion - Enhanced
    - Assassinate's Reinforce adds about 400%/s at 0% defense, and Limit Canceller adds around 15m/s.

    Blade Master: Dual Blade uses Phantom Blow for single targets, Blade Fury for multi-targets. Also includes a table for using Bloody Storm with Blade Fury, which is better on low defense mobs. Final Cut is cast whenever it is available. Evasion Mastery is set at 90% Avoid Rate for KMS and GMS, every 2 seconds. There is a Chains of Hell table because some idiot said Chains of Hell was a good 4th job attacking skill. Ha. That's funny.
    Hyper: Uses Asura (est. 300ms), Hidden Blade, Phantom Blow - Reinforce, Phantom Blow - Bonus Attack, Phantom Blow - Ignore Guard, Bloody Storm - Reinforce, Bloody Storm - Bonus Attack

    Phantom: Rapid Fire, Combo Attack, Threaten for single target; Twilight + Phantom Charge for multiple targets, and a separate table set for Ultimate Drive. Uses Judgement whenever possible until it activates critical card, with a 120ms delay added to account for the downtime involved. SE is with a party member using SE. Actual damage would be a few %/s (unnoticeable) if you were to cast it yourself, in the case of Twilight and Ultimate Drive. Rapid Fire has a 1/1.3x damage penalty, and Combo Attack and Threaten have a -40% duration penalty.
    Hyper: Rose Carte Finale, Tempest of Card - Cooltime Reduce, Tempest of Card - Extra Target, Tempest of Card - Reinforce, Ultimate Drive - Reinforce, Ultimate Drive - Extra Target

    Xenon: Uses Blade Dancing in one table, and Fuzzy Lob Masquerade Sniper for single target and Bombing for multitarget in the other table. Hologram Graffiti - Penetration (210ms) is used for single targets. Force Field (540ms) is used for multitargets. Force Field damage is minorly detrimental for 0% Defense, but beneficial for higher defense as summons ignore defense. Aegis System is assumed to activate every 2 seconds. Energy expenditure is prioritised for OOPart Code, Linear Perspective, Incline Power, and then Dual Breeder Defensive. Extra Supply is used whenever energy is below 10, or OOParts is running low and a recast is required. Any extra energy that goes over 20 is calculated as Pinpoint Rockets. This gives a respective uptime of 75%, 100%, 100%, and 32%. If DBD is sacrificed, OOParts can have a near 100% uptime (99.x%). Note that in a party scenario, Hologram Graffiti - Support can be used to generate more energy. The summon damage is negligible comparatively.
    Hyper: Meltdown Explosion and Confine Entangle are used due to their debuffs. Amaranth Generator is used, and while active, Pinpoint Rockets are activated at a rate of 1 attack per second. Each table uses every hyper skill, except for Hologram Graffiti - Speed. I suspect this to be a greater benefit than Blade Dancing - Speed, or Fuzzy Lob Masquerade - Extra Target, but I do not know the specific attack speed it causes.
    Last edited by JoeTang; 2013-07-15 at 09:47 PM.

  3. Default

    First off, I was surprised at how balanced the 1v1 capabilities of all the thieves were (%/sec wise without broken DB potentials). But Shads... dat mobbing!

    Wouldn't the coins start disappearing? I have no idea how long an item lasts once it's dropped, but is it longer than 3 min?

    Doesn't the MI get a second boost from Final Cut, but gets capped so that it doesn't do higher than the normal attack? (I have no first-hand knowledge either way)

  4. Default

    Coins last about exactly as long as Shadow Partner. You should be able to execute this with little to no coin loss.

    Not sure.

  5. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis


    if i understood correctly, no, i've seen plenty of DB's hit more with MI than the actual attack during final cut.

    ofc, before the "fix"

  6. Default

    That's what I was hoping to hear! Granted in practice, if you do this you'd lose coins for every sec you were seduced after your SP goes away. But we always assume perfect conditions here.

    Based on how up-to-date Joe's other class %/sec analyses are, I was assuming this was for the "Union" patch, even if nothing had changed for thieves in that patch. Hence, it would also be post-"fix".

  7. Default

    I'll make a separate table for this. I'm assuming it's skill% * 1.4 * (1 + 0.7 * 1.4). Not sure how the KMS patches fix it, whether it be Shadow Partner not receiving the bonuses, or only being limited to 100% of the skills damage. I also don't understand how Mirror Image hits higher than the skill with Final Cut, since its multiplier is 1.4.

    Will be updating with Assassinate soon as well.

    Just realised I did not include the double bonus for Shadowers.

  8. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis


    as you can see, the numbers at the top more than double the ones at the bottom. no idea how the formula actually is/was, ask locked?

  9. Won't Be Coming Back Male

    IGN: Biades4hire
    Server: Windia
    Level: 19x
    Job: Dual Blade


    I think it's more than what you calculated in the table.
    With final cut and 20% boss damage, my mirror image damage is 158% of the corresponding regular hit.
    0.7x1.4x1.2=1.16 which is a lot lower than actual.
    When I had 60% boss, my MI was hitting ~2x my reg damage.

  10. Default

    edit: have to rethink about what I said again and test it some more.

    Well basically, I was under the impression that FC reverses your damage stacking and makes your lowest damage on bottom while your highest damage is on the top. But when I actually look at my damage some more, it looks more like the top half of my damage is actually 2x normal (without FC on) and the bottom half is like 1.4x weird, maybe I need to look at some formulas. I don't possess any boss % damage and the mobs I'm testing on aren't bosses.

    With Boss % damage I believe its possible to do over double your bottom damage but its true that the top half of your damage with FC is more than your bottom half, this is always true whenever you use FC with MI otherwise, it appears normally like the way shadow partner does. I don't know if the patch fixes it and flips it around again or actually fixes up that top half of the hits.
    Last edited by ultimax21; 2011-11-16 at 12:07 AM. Reason: mixed up what I was saying, but was checking on the damage thing

  11. Won't Be Coming Back Male

    IGN: Biades4hire
    Server: Windia
    Level: 19x
    Job: Dual Blade


    You need 60% boss to do exactly 2x your damage with MI as a DB on final cut.
    In that video, he/she has at least 80% boss damage.
    @above I'm pretty sure it's not just the numbers reversed. If that were the case, then assuming 90% boss damage, that dual blade in that video would have a 400k range.
    With my 45k range and 60% boss I was seeing several 300k+ on my MI hits, which doesn't add up to the reversing theory as well.

  12. Default

    Yes, that was my first impression on how it worked, but it looks like with FC the top half of my hits were 2x the damage of my skill w/o FC and MI and the bottom half of my damage is 1.4x of my damage w/o FC or MI as well. Which then means there is something weird going on with the top half concerning MI + FC.

    Summary: The bottom half works like its supposed to with the 1.4x buff while the top half (MI hits) is doing 2x your normal damage when you don't have FC on.

  13. Default

    The patch that KMS had fixed both SP and MI. They will only do the set percent described in the skill info, not double stack with skills like Expert throwing star handling, Final cut or the potential options. Of course, the thief revamp might alter this again.

  14. Default

    from the testing I did on FC it seems to be 1.7x damage, not sure how it is in KMS(probably fixed to 1.4)

  15. Default

    Maybe you guys need to test it differently because none of you are really making sense.

  16. Default

    MI hit - 108451, phantom blow hit - 67012. had 30% boss damage, 6% total damage, and Final Cut. 108,451/67012 = 1.618. .7(mirror image) * 1.36( boss damage and total damage) * 1.7 ( final cut)

    also used regular attacks on monsters and got hits that were higher than possible with 1.4x final cut.. though I didn't really put a lot of effort into testing without mirror image.

  17. Default

    Decided to not include the double Shadow Partner bonus for anything since it'll be removed soon. If it isn't, I'll readjust it.

  18. Default

    Double post etc.
    Fixed a bug that had Boomerang Step hitting twice. You'll have to note that Assaulter now does not include Boomerang Step in its damage as it is in theory detrimental. The other two scenarios do include Boomerang Step.

    First test at Union Shadower. Uses Boomerang Step, followed by Dark Sight + Assassinate if it's available (vs single targets only), otherwise uses Edge Carnival. Every 300 seconds, it uses Meso Explosion until all the coins are gone, and starts again, while using Dark Sight + Assassinate when it is available (vs single targets only). Includes 3x Venom stacking with fairly accurate time assessment. Smokescreen is assumed to be +20% to minimum and maximum critical hit damage, but could be a general 1.2x to any critical hit (which would be marginally higher increase)
    Edge Carnival

    Preliminary Night Lord table. Uses Quadruple Throw on single targets. Casts Purge Area when available on targets with more than 25% defense. Uses Shade Split on multiple targets, and casts Sudden Raid when available.
    Night Lord

    No noteworthy change to Dual Blades was made.
    Last edited by JoeTang; 2011-11-26 at 03:02 AM.

  19. Default

    What would be the better dps for a shad. What Joe said, or comboing boomerang and edge carnival then mass exploding. -Question from a guild mate.



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