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Thread: [GMS] [1.01] Ascension

  1. Default [1.01] Ascension

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    This extraction is based upon a diff between the latest GMST patch and this patch.

    Unfortunately, there's not too much major to report. But hey, I'll at least post what I have. It seems that Nexon America has an addiction to adding Hands to items.

    Character (Changed)


  2. Default

    osnap Evolving Rings now add hands. inb4massinflation.

  3. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis


    >Pelvis Hair

    GODDAMNIT, i know it doesn't make much sense, but reading that in spanish and english really killed me

    EDIT: just checked in maple, evolving rings already give hands, i'm confused.

  4. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: SaptaZapta
    Server: Kradia
    Level: 275
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Matriarchy
    Alliance: Peaceful


    "Pelvis Hair" in English is bad enough.

    As for the hands, even if they didn't, adding hands now won't change the items already in the game. So unless they're having a new event handing out those rings, changing their stats is pointless.

  5. Default

    Since the removal of Maker Skill does Hands really do anything anymore?

  6. Default



  7. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis


    pelvis=pubic in english too? actuall, i think the "pelvis" is a name for that area in english too right?

  8. Default

    So many new server bandanas , inb4 rage cause more servers.

  9. Default

    You guys don't know what your Pelvis is?

    Well I'm pretty sure they mean like Puny Elvis Hair.

  10. Default

    The evo rings and yellow marker already give hands. They seriously changed the equips to the stats they already had...

  11. Default


    does this mean that every single existing evo ring is going to go from having a white text name to a gray text name

  12. Default

    Wouldn't be surprised. It'll probably end up like Quest Specialist Medal.

  13. Neon Atom
    IGN: dawnkevsies
    Server: Zenith
    Level: 100
    Job: Buff/UA mule
    Guild: nonelolZENITHSDEAD


    not the first "Pelvis" mention in maplestory, unfortunately...

    and i guess this is the nail in the coffin on the idea that maybe nerfing Knights Stronghold and excluding Ellin Forest and Neo City party play was a mistake in Tespia.

  14. Default

    In Maple, Pelvis is the name of the Elvis impersonator in Amoria, that's where the name of the item comes from.

  15. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis


    please read:

    and see:

    hence my confusion on why it says "new"

    @iamfear: i know, and it's a terrible, TERRIBLE name

  16. Default

    LOLWUT??? a static item as a taming mob??

  17. Default

    Pelvis hair.....that just makes me very sad.

  18. Default

    Pelvis hair on a monkey?!? (or whatever pet wears it...) DO WANT!

    Titan? Is that going to be yet another new server?

    IGN: Overburnd
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 210
    Job: Cannoneer
    Guild: Contagious


    See the pelvis hair is a real FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF moment for me, because i own a monkey and i bought the 5 att ribbon instead of the pelvis. Why? Same slots, ribbon was cheaper. Now they change them to 7.


  20. Won't Be Coming Back

    IGN: shakar96
    Server: Culverin
    Level: 105
    Job: Thunder Breaker


    Wow Fiel, you're quick. I didn't even download the patch file yet o_o.



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