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  1. Default GMS Server Status Discussion

    This is the official thread to discuss the current status of the servers, channels and general Nexon connectivity.

    If you really only want to see the status and have no interest in participating in discussion here on Southperry you're discouraged from registering, there's no benefit to you for doing so. You will find it more effective and expedient to simply bookmark one of the following mirror URLS of the status page;

    They update on the same schedule, load faster, use less resources and are perfect for sharing and bookmarking.

    Red Blinking = All logins down, or master login down. 
    Red = More than 50% of the normal channels are down but logins are fine.
    Yellow = Less than 50% of channels are down and logins are fine.
    Green = All good.
    Note in this context "down" means "not reachable" and could mean any number of reasons, not specifically that the server physically died.

    Latency is now indicated in the report, including max and average.
    Channels that are up but experiencing a higher than normal latency will be indicated in Yellow, but poor connection speed will not impact the status results indicator.

    Note the contents of this thread will routinely be moved to the Archived Items forum after various outages and discussion.
    Last edited by Eos; 2014-07-29 at 09:16 PM.

  2. Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    Welp. There goes the neighborhood again. Never can catch a break with 2x events. *sigh*

    Site itself isn't even accessible. How lovely.

  3. Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    A bunch of gaming sites/servers in general are being DDoS'd right now, not just Nexon's.

  4. Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    If this update doesn't make things clear for people on the state of the game there's some serious denial in progress.

  5. Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    I am incredibly surprised you even bothered to update this thing.

  6. Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    It wasn't out of interest.

    and the shape the statuses create now is morbidly amusing.

  7. Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

  8. Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    I wonder if an unscheduled maintenance is coming up, huge exploit and servers disconnecting.

  9. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: SaptaZapta
    Server: Kradia
    Level: 275
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Matriarchy
    Alliance: Peaceful

    Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    Oh, there's an exploit?
    I only noticed the disconnections.
    Odd that the status page isn't showing anything wrong.
    Or maybe not so odd. I can connect easily enough, just disconnect soon after.

  10. Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    I consider the codex an exploit.

  11. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: SaptaZapta
    Server: Kradia
    Level: 275
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Matriarchy
    Alliance: Peaceful

    Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    I suppose it is one, but unlike dupes and such, it doesn't require crashing the server (does it?). So why would it be causing disconnections?

    Edit: ah, nvm, misread your post. You meant that the two are unrelated but each is a reason for a maintenance.

  12. Neutron
    IGN: SkyTheBM
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 248
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: Revenance
    Alliance: Blanc

    Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    Now just MYBCKN is down. Lovely.

  13. Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    I thought it was just me who got a crash with error, guess it's a lot more than I thought.

  14. Neon Atom
    IGN: Hellstinger
    Server: Broa
    Level: 250
    Job: F/P Archmage
    Guild: Kingliner/Onmyouji
    Farm: Melody

    Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    Looks like another DDoS just hit Nexon tonight.

  15. Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    suddenly it crashed a few mins ago, website is also not working

    maybe a DDOS.

    hopefully they fix soon or i might miss out on the star planet game skins and spending my dark tokens which i sort of left to the last minute. though they are the poorer part of the halloween event, and prob can get next year.

  16. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: SaptaZapta
    Server: Kradia
    Level: 275
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Matriarchy
    Alliance: Peaceful

    Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    Channels crashing all over the place.
    Fun stuff.

  17. Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    Reboot just took a dump it seems or at least the channel I was on did.

  18. Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    Way too laggy for me. I'll throw in the towel and try again tommorow after the initial rush has died down a bit.

  19. Orbital Bee Cannon Straight Male
    IGN: Musiphe
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 277
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Epic
    Alliance: Fatal

    Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    Channels crashing left and right. Can't get anything done at this rate lol.

  20. Default Re: GMS Server Status Discussion

    probably the first time Maplestory has seriously had connectivity problems due to player activity in quite a long time....



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