Welcome to Southperry's official Pony thread!
Pony related stuff goes here, discuss the show, post videos, post images, post PMVs, WHATEVER! Just don't post any links to download the episodes because that is against the rules.
Q:What the crap is this?
A:A great show about ponies, developed by Lauren Faust(the woman behind the Powerpuff girls, Foster's and other great cartoons), it is nothing like the old My Little Pony cartoons, this is more orientated towards entertaining the whole family and not just little girls, so if you want to have fun, give the show a try.
Q:But Solarboy! There is allready a pony group, can't that go there?
A: Yeah... no, the group can't be seen by everyone, so a thread here would be better.
Q:Can I come in just to complain?
Useful links:
Equestria Daily Your N°1 source for pony related stuff.
Ponychan A MyLittlePony image board.
BronyState Watch some movies with your fellow bronies every Friday and watch streams of the new episodes