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  1. Default Hey Look! Another gay day...

    Didn't we just talk about these?,41-

    (May 17th is this one)

  2. Default


    SouthPerry is either going to:

    a) Rage
    b) Doesn't care

    Probably most users = "a". inb4raje

  3. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks


    I understand wanting to be accepted and all, but for f'ucks sake, this is getting ridiculous.

  4. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A


    For a second, I thought that it read "The Day against Homos."

    That would've been much more rage worthy.

  5. Default

    That happens every day at the WBC.

  6. Default


    Wait, people care about Idaho?

  7. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks


    Not like we can get Potatoes from Ireland.

  8. Default


    International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia




    Way to give Idaho a bad name people!

  9. Certified Pimento Bi Male
    IGN: xxxxFenixR
    Server: Bera
    Level: Mix
    Job: Severals
    Guild: None
    Alliance: Nada
    Farm: Wut?


    Oh hai sh'it i could not care less about

  10. ☮♫♥ Gay Male
    IGN: FrozNlite
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 200
    Job: F/P ArchMage
    Guild: Brazzers
    Alliance: Heroes


    And just think. Next month is Pride Month.

  11. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Straight Male
    IGN: Namalamadingdong
    Server: LoL NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Break The Meta


    They wont stop until the world renames Thursday as Gay Awareness Day

  12. Default

    Just add a brand new day all together. Gayday.

  13. Water

    IGN: Negerpaardje
    Server: Galicia
    Level: 105
    Job: Aran
    Guild: Infinity
    Alliance: ~~~~


    Honestly. This is the problem with most minorities. They scream for acceptance, we give it to them, they then continue screaming and shoving their minority's "pride" down your throats. It gets really irritating. I think the gay community just wants to be hated, because it was more exciting. WELL. This'll do it.

  14. Default

    seriously ? -______- i understand how people are agaisnt homphobia but some people just are against homos just like how gays are just gays. get the pineapple over it and deal with it .

  15. Default

    Nope, they'll just want to change 'day' for 'gay'. Sungay, Mongay, Tuesgay, Wednesgay, Thursgay, Frigay and Saturgay.

    And instead of May, it'll just be Gay; and don't forget about Gaytember.

  16. Default

    Hello, gays. Pissing everyone off with your attention whoring is not going to get you anywhere.

    Everyone else.

  17. ☮♫♥ Gay Male
    IGN: FrozNlite
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 200
    Job: F/P ArchMage
    Guild: Brazzers
    Alliance: Heroes


    In the defense of the minorities, no one really has the kind of complete acceptance people believe they do. White males are still the dominant race across the globe, commanding total and complete acceptance that isn't questioned. Women, non-white ethnicities, LGBT and non-binary gender identities all still face discrimination, prejudice, hate, and violence in enough places that events like these are actually grounded in a real problem that needs fixing (ex. a colloquially named "Kill the Gays" bill was almost brought before parliament in Uganda the other day that would essentially sentence LGBT persons in the country to death, had it been passed. Aka legalized killing of people with nothing wrong with them).

    A lot of people have your mentality, for justifiable reasons. People such as yourself typically have above average intelligence, are capable of recognizing differences in people, but ultimately don't care about them in the grand scheme of things so long as they aren't presented in a repeated way that results in annoyance. What I'd ask you to do is please understand what I said above, and to treat such events as DeanNim just said: deal with it by not giving a pomegranate. Is it really worth your time to bother posting that now that you're going to bother wasting your time hating, when you don't have any logical reason to in the first place beyond being annoyed? Things are not as shoved down throats as people make them out to be. You didn't have to click on this thread. You don't have to read flyers posted around town or accept pamphlets from activists.

    My challenge for all of you to whom this post applies is to simply ask yourself "Is this worth my time?" every moment from now on in which you're exposed to a message you already agree with for the millionth time, and have an opportunity to comment on. I guarantee you the cumulative time saved by refraining from making such posts as the ones I'm quoting will be a gift to yourselves over time.

  18. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks


    Funny I haven't seen a Black Pride Parade in ages, nor a Women's Pride Parade either. See plenty of walks for breast cancer and hear the NAACP go on about trying to overcome stereotypical attitudes towards black people, but I don't see them going "We want to be treated the same!" anymore.
    Because they are.

    Maybe the gays that take part in this are much like the american rednecks: they give off a bad PR image for everyone else. Maybe they're petitioning and rallying so much about being treated equally, when really they want to continue to be viewed as different, which they are.
    'course there's still plenty of room and effort to be made for true equality regarding same-sex marriages being officially recognized, and perhaps the generation we live in isn't the same as those that lived during the eras when women and blacks fought for equal rights so to us what seems like an oversaturation of the cause is precisely what has happened in the past and is more than likely the most effective means of which to get attention for said cause... Personally I'm more of the "ignore the f'uck out of the whiny tards that won't shut up about not getting what they want."

  19. Water

    IGN: Negerpaardje
    Server: Galicia
    Level: 105
    Job: Aran
    Guild: Infinity
    Alliance: ~~~~


    Fair enough, but I'd like to disagree with the first paragraph. I don't know how it is down yonder, but up here in Canoodle we tend to be about as accepting as they come, at least my generation. In fact in my high school the best way to become an outcast was homophobia or sexism. Racism still cropped up in satire, but for the most part it's just general not giving a pineapple humor. I myself am a member of 2 minorities so I don't speak as your typical "white male". Otherwise, I agree, that was a pretty pointless post. However you need to remember Canada is not just another star on the flag. Things up here tend to be a bit more... relaxed.

    @Mute: Well Mr. Steven, on the whole, I would tend to agree. Except the great white noth already accepts same-sex marriages. Unless you include gossip, however that's practically all your average boring waste of oxygen does with their existance.

  20. ☮♫♥ Gay Male
    IGN: FrozNlite
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 200
    Job: F/P ArchMage
    Guild: Brazzers
    Alliance: Heroes


    Tykian, you are correct and I should have been more specific that my post was aimed at parts of globe, including parts of the United States, in which, again using the Ugandan example, things are clearly nowhere near as ideal as they are in the Canadian reality. My roommate this past year is from Canada, and being on the executive board for our local College Democrats chapter, I've paid a lot of attention to Canadian politics and policies, and am envious, to say the least, of life up north in many regards.

    So while I apologize for not adding a disclaimer in my post about Canada not applying, and should have been more specific, I'd also ask that you sympathize with the fact that Canada is an unbelievably rare exception towards acceptance around the globe, a model other nations should follow, and so people from other nations may not be as tolerant as you, and it's to those people these "gay days" are aimed at.

    But I don't think that really needs to be said to you, since you seem pretty sympathetic already.

    @Steven: You've got to be kidding me if you think Black and Women's rights have been achieved in those two identities exist as equals to white males. There's still a loooooooong way to go for that to be accomplished.



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