View Poll Results: Do you like eggnog?

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  • Yes

    14 51.85%
  • No

    13 48.15%
Results 1 to 17 of 17
  1. Default Do you like eggnog?

    How can people stand this stuff? I tried it once and had to drink massive amounts of water then chew gum to get the taste out. Gross!

  2. In my dreams... Gay Male
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 215
    Job: Hoyoung
    Alliance: KATYPERRY


    Nooooo. I don't like it at all.

  3. Default

    Last time I checked, no. I haven't had eggnog for years I don't really remember why I don't like it.

  4. Default

    Dangit Fiel. Youre late to the party.... I had this thread sorta already sorta.

  5. Default

    I use to like it as a child.

    I don't find it very appealing anymore but I still drink it if theres nothing else to drink.

  6. Default

    I like it to an extent, but I usually always end up drinking too much and feel like pomegranate later. :|

    Now, Holiday Custard is where it's it!

  7. Default

    Never had it. What's it like?

  8. Default

    I love it.

    Think heavy whipping cream with cinnamon, nutmeg and a little butter.

  9. Default

    I like Eggnog in moderation. Too much at once starts to get a little gross.

  10. ☮♫♥ Gay Male
    IGN: FrozNlite
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 200
    Job: F/P ArchMage
    Guild: Brazzers
    Alliance: Heroes


    I like eggnog, but only in the right quantities and at certain times.

  11. Default

    im happy i made you try some sarah. I bought some atrocious egg nog.... its WAY worse than that Southern Comfort one I bought.

  12. Default

    I love it - so thick and creamy and delicious. Try mixing in some cinnamon liquor.

  13. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks


    SoCo tastes like sh'it anyways.

  14. Default

    But they make badass eggnog!

  15. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks


    They make something bad worse.



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