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  1. Default Past mafia game listing + current mafia queue

    * game abandoned

    The queue since there's a renewed interest in mafia again
    Last edited by Five Second Pose; 2014-08-25 at 10:36 PM.

  2. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks


    Ray i sent you the PM i wrote up, but i forgot to click that "receipt" box. ._.

  3. Default

    Read receipt only verifies the person has read the PM.

  4. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks


    and the time/date read.
    call me OCD.

  5. Default

    After Mute's game which I am assuming he'll be starting up after Dark's game I will be hosting The Mafia Mansion. Excuse me for not sending a PM to either of you two, but the way I will be doing the game won't fall into the normal Mafia game guidelines. Not to say that I am going to be hosting a game just to screw with people, but it's going to be done differently.

    If you really want me to send a PM then let me know I guess and I'll send it as soon as it's fully finished.
    Last edited by MetaSeraphim; 2010-11-09 at 11:51 PM.

  6. Default

    For reasons pertaining to other PMs I get about other things, I don't acknowledge read receipts.

  7. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks


    It's more for my own records of when whomever i send a PM to reads it.

  8. Default

    Again, out of habit I deny them. ._.

  9. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks


    wait...what? i thought that it was a "when the recipient clicks the PM the sender receives notification of the PM being read and when it is read."

  10. Default

    Ray, I sent you a PM about a mafia game idea that I had. I'm working on roles now.

  11. Default

    Instituting this rule now since everyone and their mother is making a mafia game - there can only be two games in the first section, and a total of two games under "awaiting approval" and "waiting for previous game to end".

  12. Default

    Sooo, did my game get through now?

  13. Default

    A kind mod (it wasn't me!) has moved all the games that happened before this section was created into this section, and I've added those to Completed Games, if anyone wants to peruse them for tips and whatnot.

  14. Default

    So anyway, place my game after Meta's game in terms of timeline of importance, because he did call it before I did.

    My game's nothing special either, so it's literally ready to ship out whenever there's a free chance to.

  15. Default

    Infection said his game won't be done for a long time, so I can cut in line if you'll allow it.

  16. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks


    Awaiting approval? o-o

  17. Default

    Mine is done though, but neither Alex or Ray have bothered to look at it. I sent it to them ages ago.



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