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Thread: [Notice] v.84 Going Live 03.31.2010

  1. Default v.84 Going Live 03.31.2010

    oh great....

    edit: WA--WA--WA--WAIT!! I dont get hoe these work o.0
    Last edited by Solarboy; 2010-03-29 at 09:27 PM.

  2. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A


    What do they mean by....Magic Guard mastery book?

    Oh well, time to use my $25 nx from those offers.

  3. Neutron

    IGN: IPunketOz
    Server: Broa
    Level: 187
    Job: Dark knight
    Guild: Beaners (MapleLeafy)
    Alliance: Beaners

    Basic0 v.84 Going Live 03.31.2010]

  4. Default

    lol'd hard.
    Goodbye, Maple. You'll be sorely missed (more like rejoiced for).

  5. Default

    Save up your NX from the surveys! :P
    Once again those with more money than I get an unfair advantage! :D

  6. Default

    Selling mastery books already? I thought that was for Dual Blade.

  7. Default

    You've got to be kidding me...I'm guessing now we have to use nx to upgrade our skills, just like Dual Blade >.>

  8. Default

    Uhh...what? Those skills don't even have mastery books... WHAT HAVE THEY DONE?!

  9. Default

    Enjoy your new class while it lasts, Southperry. It's only a matter of time until you'll be paying money for your level-ups.

  10. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A


    I was under the impression that the Cash Shop is not the only way of getting the Dual Blade skill books.

    Plus you really have no excuse, since you can get NX so easily now with the offers.

  11. Default

    I didn't think those skills even needed mastery books. If those are skillbooks, I wonder if the quest lines will break, or at least the quests won't make any sense.

  12. Default

    YTou can obtain them normaly, but the point here is that this makes no sense.

    most of these skills dont need mastery books >=O
    Last edited by Solarboy; 2010-03-29 at 09:34 PM.

  13. Neutron

    IGN: IPunketOz
    Server: Broa
    Level: 187
    Job: Dark knight
    Guild: Beaners (MapleLeafy)
    Alliance: Beaners


    I think they're just adding it for the people who dont want to hunt for the books or do the quests o.o

  14. Default

    You mean premium packages?

  15. Default

    Umm, there is allready a thread about this ^^;

    got posted 1 minute before >_<

  16. Default

    wat pineapple the

    this sucks

    more NX advantages...

  17. Flatpanel TV
    IGN: HA!
    Server: HA!!
    Level: I'm
    Job: plagiarizing
    Guild: overused
    Alliance: internet memes!!1!


    Thanks Nexon. Thanks for NOTHING!

  18. Default

    Ok. Lets all stop raging and think about this for a moment....

    How could theese be implemented?

    Maybe They give some extra power?
    Maybe they just made typos? (PLEASE BE TYPOS!!!!)

    Anyone has any idea whta they could be for??

  19. Neutron

    IGN: IPunketOz
    Server: Broa
    Level: 187
    Job: Dark knight
    Guild: Beaners (MapleLeafy)
    Alliance: Beaners


    !!! I posted this with images first! i wanted to post it without images first but i posted it with images! >:O >:L :'(



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