If you haven't already seen all of the other data that came out with this patch, please do check it out
About Evan:
Evan is a new class added to the KMST servers. It is a separate class unto itself - completely apart from Aran, Cygnus, and Explorers. In this class, you have a familiar who will be your constant companion. According to the story, Evan, a young boy, lived on his farmland on the outskirts of Henesys and stumbled upon a magical dragon that bestowed him powers. As the relationship between the dragon and Evan grew stronger, so did their combined powers.
The Evan class is a magician through and through, and therefore can equip any magician-type equipment.
This equipment isn't just for you, though. You also gain access to a new window where you can put equipment on your familiar:
Dragon Equipment
실버 마스크
Dragon/Helm - Magicians only
Required Level: 20
INT: +2
MDEF: +8
WDEF: +5
3 Slots
골드 마스크
Dragon/Helm - Magicians only
Required Level: 50
INT: +4
MDEF: +15
WDEF: +10
3 Slots
리버스 마스크
Dragon/Helm - Magicians only
Required Level: 120
INT: +6
MDEF: +30
WDEF: +20
3 Slots
Level Up: 3 time(s)
INT: +(0~1)
LUK: +(0~1)
MDEF: +(5~10)
WDEF: +(5~10)Pendant
실버 펜던트
Dragon/Pendant - Magicians only
Required Level: 20
LUK: +2
MDEF: +8
WDEF: +5
3 Slots
골드 펜던트
Dragon/Pendant - Magicians only
Required Level: 50
LUK: +4
MDEF: +15
WDEF: +10
3 Slots
리버스 펜던트
Dragon/Pendant - Magicians only
Required Level: 120
LUK: +6
MDEF: +30
WDEF: +20
3 Slots
Level Up: 3 time(s)
INT: +(0~1)
LUK: +(0~1)
MDEF: +(5~10)
WDEF: +(5~10)Wings
실버 윙즈
Dragon/Wings - Magicians only
Required Level: 20
MDEF: +8
WDEF: +5
Speed: +2
3 Slots
골드 윙즈
Dragon/Wings - Magicians only
Required Level: 50
MDEF: +15
WDEF: +10
Speed: +4
3 Slots
리버스 윙즈
Dragon/Wings - Magicians only
Required Level: 120
MDEF: +30
WDEF: +20
Speed: +6
3 Slots
Level Up: 3 time(s)
INT: +(0~1)
LUK: +(0~1)
MDEF: +(5~10)
WDEF: +(5~10)Tail
실버 테일
Dragon/Tail - Magicians only
Required Level: 20
MDEF: +8
WDEF: +5
Jump: +2
3 Slots
골드 테일
Dragon/Tail - Magicians only
Required Level: 50
MDEF: +15
WDEF: +10
Jump: +4
3 Slots
리버스 테일
Dragon/Tail - Magicians only
Required Level: 120
MDEF: +30
WDEF: +20
Jump: +6
3 Slots
Level Up: 3 time(s)
INT: +(0~1)
LUK: +(0~1)
MDEF: +(5~10)
WDEF: +(5~10)
The leveling system is a tad different with Evan. You gain skills as you level up with your dragon. New skills are unlocked at the following levels:
1st Mastery: Level 10
2nd Mastery: Level 20
3rd Mastery: Level 30
4th Mastery: Level 40
5th Mastery: Level 50
6th Mastery: Level 60
7th Mastery: Level 80
8th Mastery: Level 100
9th Mastery: Level 120
10th Mastery: Level 160
Given that the job system is so strange, Evan even gets its own kind of skill resets:
As with all other classes, there are skillbooks and mastery guides:
Mastery Guides:
When you create a character, you will be able to choose between the follow equipment:
평범한 체크셔츠
Coat - All classes
WDEF: +3
7 Slots
검은색 토벤 머리
갈색 더벅 머리
검은색 빡빡 머리
평범한 청반바지
Pants - All classes
WDEF: +2
7 Slots
돼지치기 막대
1H Sword - All classes
Weapon Attack: +17
7 Slots
평범한 체크셔츠
Coat - All classes
WDEF: +3
7 Slots
주황색 깜찍이 머리
갈색 삐친 머리
갈색 단발 머리
평범한 청치마
Pants - All classes
WDEF: +2
7 Slots
평범한 검정부츠
Shoes - All classes
WDEF: +2
5 Slots
돼지치기 막대
1H Sword - All classes
Weapon Attack: +17
7 Slots
With all of that said and done, here are a few videos of KMST players:
Evan Youtube Videos
Dragon Animations
1st Mastery (Level 10)magicmissile
2nd Mastery (Level 20)fireCircle
3rd Mastery (Level 30)fireCircle
4th Mastery (Level 40)dragonIceBreathe
5th Mastery (Level 50)dragonIceBreathe
6th Mastery (Level 60)dragonIceBreathe
7th Mastery (Level 80)breathe_prepare
8th Mastery (Level 100)breathe_prepare
9th Mastery (Level 120)Awakening
10th Mastery (Level 160)Awakening
Quick Skill List
- 1st Mastery
- Soul Dragon
- Magic Missile
- 2nd Mastery
- Fire Circle
- Teleport
- 3rd Mastery
- Thunder Bolt
- Magic Guard
- 4th Mastery
- Ice Breath
- Elemental Reset
- 5th Mastery
- Magic Flare
- Magic Shield
- 6th Mastery
- Critical Magic
- Dragon Thrust
- Magic Booster
- Slow
- 7th Mastery
- Magic Amplification
- Dragon Breath
- Killing Wing
- Magic Resistance
- 8th Mastery
- Dragon Fury
- Earthquake
- Ghost Lettering
- Aurora Recovery
- 9th Mastery
- Magic Mastery
- Maple Hero
- Illusion
- Flame Wheel
- Awakening
- 10th Mastery
- Onix's Blessing
- Blaze
- Dark Fog
- Soul Stone
1st Mastery (Level 10)
드래곤 소울
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n드래곤의 영혼을 강화시켜 마력을 향상시킨다.
Fiel's Note: Soul Dragon: Strengthen the soul of your dragon, improving its basic attack
Max Level: 20
1 +1 Basic Attack 2 +2 Basic Attack 3 +3 Basic Attack 4 +4 Basic Attack 5 +5 Basic Attack 6 +6 Basic Attack 7 +7 Basic Attack 8 +8 Basic Attack 9 +9 Basic Attack 10 +10 Basic Attack 11 +11 Basic Attack 12 +12 Basic Attack 13 +13 Basic Attack 14 +14 Basic Attack 15 +15 Basic Attack 16 +16 Basic Attack 17 +17 Basic Attack 18 +18 Basic Attack 19 +19 Basic Attack 20 +20 Basic Attack
매직 미사일
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\nMP를 소비하여 원거리의 적을 두 번 공격한다.
Fiel's Note: Magic Missile: Uses MP to attack a far-away enemy twice (Credit to Serendipity for translation)
Images: Hit
Max Level: 20
1 MP -10 +11 basic attack 15% Mastery Attacks 2 times 2 MP -10 +13 basic attack 15% Mastery Attacks 2 times 3 MP -10 +14 basic attack 20% Mastery Attacks 2 times 4 MP -10 +16 basic attack 20% Mastery Attacks 2 times 5 MP -12 +17 basic attack 25% Mastery Attacks 2 times 6 MP -12 +19 basic attack 25% Mastery Attacks 2 times 7 MP -12 +20 basic attack 30% Mastery Attacks 2 times 8 MP -12 +22 basic attack 30% Mastery Attacks 2 times 9 MP -14 +23 basic attack 35% Mastery Attacks 2 times 10 MP -14 +25 basic attack 35% Mastery Attacks 2 times 11 MP -14 +26 basic attack 40% Mastery Attacks 2 times 12 MP -14 +28 basic attack 40% Mastery Attacks 2 times 13 MP -16 +29 basic attack 45% Mastery Attacks 2 times 14 MP -16 +31 basic attack 45% Mastery Attacks 2 times 15 MP -16 +32 basic attack 50% Mastery Attacks 2 times 16 MP -16 +34 basic attack 50% Mastery Attacks 2 times 17 MP -18 +35 basic attack 55% Mastery Attacks 2 times 18 MP -18 +37 basic attack 55% Mastery Attacks 2 times 19 MP -18 +38 basic attack 60% Mastery Attacks 2 times 20 MP -18 +40 basic attack 60% Mastery Attacks 2 times
2nd Mastery (Level 20)
파이어 서클
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\nMP를 소비하여 다수의 적에게 불속성 공격을 한다.
Fiel's Note: Fire Circle: Use MP to attack a certain number of enemies with fire (Credit to Phail for translation) - Range is similar to maxed fire demon
Images: Hit
Max Level: 20
1 MP -12 26 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 3 enemies 2 MP -12 27 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 3 enemies 3 MP -12 28 Basic Attack 20% Mastery Attacks 3 enemies 4 MP -12 29 Basic Attack 20% Mastery Attacks 3 enemies 5 MP -14 30 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 3 enemies 6 MP -14 31 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 3 enemies 7 MP -14 32 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 3 enemies 8 MP -14 33 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 3 enemies 9 MP -16 34 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 3 enemies 10 MP -16 35 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 3 enemies 11 MP -16 36 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 12 MP -16 37 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 13 MP -18 38 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 14 MP -18 39 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 15 MP -18 40 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 16 MP -18 41 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 17 MP -20 42 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 18 MP -20 43 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 19 MP -20 44 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 20 MP -20 45 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n상, 하, 좌, 우 방향키를 이용하여 같은 맵 상의 다른 위치로 일정 간격으로 이동할 수 있다.
Fiel's Note: Teleport: Standard teleport move
Max Level: 20
1 MP -34 Teleports 131 distance 2 MP -33 Teleports 132 distance 3 MP -32 Teleports 133 distance 4 MP -31 Teleports 134 distance 5 MP -30 Teleports 135 distance 6 MP -29 Teleports 136 distance 7 MP -28 Teleports 137 distance 8 MP -27 Teleports 138 distance 9 MP -26 Teleports 139 distance 10 MP -25 Teleports 140 distance 11 MP -24 Teleports 141 distance 12 MP -23 Teleports 142 distance 13 MP -22 Teleports 143 distance 14 MP -21 Teleports 144 distance 15 MP -20 Teleports 145 distance 16 MP -19 Teleports 146 distance 17 MP -18 Teleports 147 distance 18 MP -17 Teleports 148 distance 19 MP -16 Teleports 149 distance 20 MP -15 Teleports 150 distance
3rd Mastery (Level 30)
라이트닝 볼트
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n낙뢰를 발생시켜 한명의 적에게 강력한 데미지를 준다.
Fiel's Note: Thunder Bolt: Fire a lightning bolt to deal a strong hit on one enemy (Credit to Phail for translation)
Images: Hit
Max Level: 20
1 MP -16 84 Basic Attack 15% Mastery 2 MP -16 88 Basic Attack 15% Mastery 3 MP -16 92 Basic Attack 20% Mastery 4 MP -16 96 Basic Attack 20% Mastery 5 MP -18 100 Basic Attack 25% Mastery 6 MP -18 104 Basic Attack 25% Mastery 7 MP -18 108 Basic Attack 30% Mastery 8 MP -18 112 Basic Attack 30% Mastery 9 MP -20 116 Basic Attack 35% Mastery 10 MP -20 120 Basic Attack 35% Mastery 11 MP -20 124 Basic Attack 40% Mastery 12 MP -20 128 Basic Attack 40% Mastery 13 MP -22 132 Basic Attack 45% Mastery 14 MP -22 136 Basic Attack 45% Mastery 15 MP -22 140 Basic Attack 50% Mastery 16 MP -22 144 Basic Attack 50% Mastery 17 MP -24 148 Basic Attack 55% Mastery 18 MP -24 152 Basic Attack 55% Mastery 19 MP -24 156 Basic Attack 60% Mastery 20 MP -24 160 Basic Attack 60% Mastery
매직 가드
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n일정 시간동안 받는 데미지의 일정 수치를 MP로 대신한다. 다만 MP가 0일 경우에는 그대로 HP를 소비하게 된다.
Fiel's Note: Magic Guard: (no surprises here)
Images: Effect
Max Level: 20
1 110 Seconds MP -6 13% of damage goes to MP 2 120 Seconds MP -6 16% of damage goes to MP 3 130 Seconds MP -6 19% of damage goes to MP 4 140 Seconds MP -6 22% of damage goes to MP 5 150 Seconds MP -10 25% of damage goes to MP 6 160 Seconds MP -10 28% of damage goes to MP 7 170 Seconds MP -10 31% of damage goes to MP 8 180 Seconds MP -10 34% of damage goes to MP 9 190 Seconds MP -14 37% of damage goes to MP 10 200 Seconds MP -14 40% of damage goes to MP 11 210 Seconds MP -14 43% of damage goes to MP 12 220 Seconds MP -14 46% of damage goes to MP 13 230 Seconds MP -18 49% of damage goes to MP 14 240 Seconds MP -18 52% of damage goes to MP 15 250 Seconds MP -18 55% of damage goes to MP 16 260 Seconds MP -18 58% of damage goes to MP 17 270 Seconds MP -22 61% of damage goes to MP 18 280 Seconds MP -22 64% of damage goes to MP 19 290 Seconds MP -22 67% of damage goes to MP 20 300 Seconds MP -22 70% of damage goes to MP
4th Mastery (Level 40)
아이스 브레스
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n일정 시간 동안 냉기를 모아 최대 6마리의 몬스터를 공격한다. 냉기를 모으는 시간에 비례하여 데미지가 증가한다.
Fiel's Note: Ice Breath: Chill your enemies for a period of time. Frost damage increases over time. (NOTE: Range is similar to maxed Fire Demon, also this skill is ice type)
Images: Hit
Max Level: 20
1 MP -14 42 Basic Attack 33% Probability x value = 1 15% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds 2 MP -14 36% Probability x value = 1 Attacks 6 enemies 15% Mastery 44 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 3 MP -14 39% Probability x value = 1 Attacks 6 enemies 20% Mastery 46 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 4 MP -14 42% Probability x value = 1 Attacks 6 enemies 20% Mastery 48 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 5 MP -16 45% Probability x value = 1 Attacks 6 enemies 25% Mastery 50 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 6 MP -16 48% Probability x value = 2 Attacks 6 enemies 25% Mastery 52 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 7 MP -16 51% Probability x value = 2 Attacks 6 enemies 30% Mastery 54 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 8 MP -16 54% Probability x value = 2 Attacks 6 enemies 30% Mastery 56 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 9 MP -18 57% Probability x value = 2 Attacks 6 enemies 35% Mastery 58 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 10 MP -18 60% Probability x value = 2 Attacks 6 enemies 35% Mastery 60 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 11 MP -18 63% Probability x value = 3 Attacks 6 enemies 40% Mastery 61 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 12 MP -18 66% Probability x value = 3 Attacks 6 enemies 40% Mastery 62 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 13 MP -20 69% Probability x value = 3 Attacks 6 enemies 45% Mastery 63 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 14 MP -20 72% Probability x value = 3 Attacks 6 enemies 45% Mastery 64 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 15 MP -20 75% Probability x value = 3 Attacks 6 enemies 50% Mastery 65 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 16 MP -20 78% Probability x value = 4 Attacks 6 enemies 50% Mastery 66 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 17 MP -22 81% Probability x value = 4 Attacks 6 enemies 55% Mastery 67 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 18 MP -22 84% Probability x value = 4 Attacks 6 enemies 55% Mastery 68 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 19 MP -22 87% Probability x value = 4 Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 69 Basic Attack 5 Seconds 20 MP -22 90% Probability x value = 4 Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 70 Basic Attack 5 Seconds
엘리멘탈 리셋
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n일정 시간 동안 시전하는 공격의 속성을 무속성으로 변환한다.
Fiel's Note: Elemental Reset: Reduces the elemental effects of spells.
Max Level: 20
1 MP -12 5% element removed 110 Seconds 2 MP -12 10% element removed 120 Seconds 3 MP -14 15% element removed 130 Seconds 4 MP -14 20% element removed 140 Seconds 5 MP -16 25% element removed 150 Seconds 6 MP -16 30% element removed 160 Seconds 7 MP -18 35% element removed 170 Seconds 8 MP -18 40% element removed 180 Seconds 9 MP -20 45% element removed 190 Seconds 10 MP -20 50% element removed 200 Seconds 11 MP -22 55% element removed 210 Seconds 12 MP -22 60% element removed 220 Seconds 13 MP -24 65% element removed 230 Seconds 14 MP -24 70% element removed 240 Seconds 15 MP -26 75% element removed 250 Seconds 16 MP -26 80% element removed 260 Seconds 17 MP -28 85% element removed 270 Seconds 18 MP -28 90% element removed 280 Seconds 19 MP -30 95% element removed 290 Seconds 20 MP -30 100% element removed 300 Seconds
5th Mastery (Level 50)
매직 플레어
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n마법진으로 생성된 빛이 한 마리의 적을 감싸며 공격한다.
Fiel's Note: Magic Flare: Hits one enemy with a magical light (Credit to Phail for translation)
Images: Hit, Hit - Level 80, Hit - Level 120
Max Level: 20
1 MP -18 154 Basic Attack 15% Mastery 2 MP -18 158 Basic Attack 15% Mastery 3 MP -18 162 Basic Attack 15% Mastery 4 MP -18 166 Basic Attack 20% Mastery 5 MP -21 170 Basic Attack 25% Mastery 6 MP -21 174 Basic Attack 25% Mastery 7 MP -21 178 Basic Attack 30% Mastery 8 MP -21 182 Basic Attack 30% Mastery 9 MP -24 186 Basic Attack 35% Mastery 10 MP -24 190 Basic Attack 35% Mastery 11 MP -24 194 Basic Attack 40% Mastery 12 MP -24 198 Basic Attack 40% Mastery 13 MP -27 202 Basic Attack 45% Mastery 14 MP -27 206 Basic Attack 45% Mastery 15 MP -27 210 Basic Attack 50% Mastery 16 MP -27 214 Basic Attack 50% Mastery 17 MP -30 218 Basic Attack 55% Mastery 18 MP -30 222 Basic Attack 55% Mastery 19 MP -30 226 Basic Attack 60% Mastery 20 MP -30 230 Basic Attack 60% Mastery
매직 실드
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n20초 동안 일정량의 피해를 흡수하는 보호막을 생성한다.\n재사용 대기시간 : 40초
Fiel's Note: Magic Shield: Create a magical shield that will absorb damage for a certain period of time. Cooldown: 40 seconds. (Range is similar to Hyperbody)
Images: Affected, Special
Max Level: 20
1 MP -20 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 11% damage absorbed 2 MP -20 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 12% damage absorbed 3 MP -20 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 13% damage absorbed 4 MP -20 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 14% damage absorbed 5 MP -25 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 15% damage absorbed 6 MP -25 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 16% damage absorbed 7 MP -25 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 17% damage absorbed 8 MP -25 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 18% damage absorbed 9 MP -30 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 19% damage absorbed 10 MP -30 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 20% damage absorbed 11 MP -30 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 21% damage absorbed 12 MP -30 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 22% damage absorbed 13 MP -35 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 23% damage absorbed 14 MP -35 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 24% damage absorbed 15 MP -35 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 25% damage absorbed 16 MP -35 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 26% damage absorbed 17 MP -40 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 27% damage absorbed 18 MP -40 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 28% damage absorbed 19 MP -40 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 29% damage absorbed 20 MP -40 Shield lasts for 20 seconds 30% damage absorbed
6th Mastery (Level 60)
크리티컬 매직
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 15]\n일정 확률로 마법 공격 시 크리티컬이 발동한다.
Fiel's Note: Critical Magic: Gain a chance for a critical hit
Max Level: 15
1 11% Probability 114% damage 2 12% Probability 118% damage 3 13% Probability 122% damage 4 14% Probability 126% damage 5 15% Probability 130% damage 6 16% Probability 134% damage 7 17% Probability 138% damage 8 18% Probability 142% damage 9 19% Probability 146% damage 10 20% Probability 150% damage 11 21% Probability 154% damage 12 22% Probability 158% damage 13 23% Probability 162% damage 14 24% Probability 166% damage 15 25% Probability 170% damage
드래곤 쓰러스트
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n드래곤이 최대 6마리까지 앞으로 밀어내면서 공격한다.
Fiel's Note: Dragon Thrust: Knockback up to 6 enemies with a certain success rate (range is similar to Blaze Wizard's Fire Curtain)
Images: Hit
Max Level: 20
1 MP -18 38% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 66 Basic Attack 15% Mastery 2 MP -18 41% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 15% Mastery 67 Basic Attack 3 MP -18 44% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 20% Mastery 68 Basic Attack 4 MP -18 47% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 20% Mastery 69 Basic Attack 5 MP -22 50% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 25% Mastery 70 Basic Attack 6 MP -22 53% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 25% Mastery 71 Basic Attack 7 MP -22 56% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 30% Mastery 72 Basic Attack 8 MP -22 59% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 30% Mastery 73 Basic Attack 9 MP -26 62% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 35% Mastery 74 Basic Attack 10 MP -26 65% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 35% Mastery 75 Basic Attack 11 MP -26 68% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 40% Mastery 76 Basic Attack 12 MP -26 71% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 40% Mastery 77 Basic Attack 13 MP -30 74% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 45% Mastery 78 Basic Attack 14 MP -30 77% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 45% Mastery 79 Basic Attack 15 MP -30 80% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 50% Mastery 80 Basic Attack 16 MP -30 83% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 50% Mastery 81 Basic Attack 17 MP -34 86% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 55% Mastery 82 Basic Attack 18 MP -34 89% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 55% Mastery 83 Basic Attack 19 MP -34 92% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 84 Basic Attack 20 MP -34 95% Probability Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 85 Basic Attack
매직 부스터
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 15]\nMP를 소비하여 마법 공격 속도를 향상시킨다.
Fiel's Note: Magic Booster: Consume MP to increase your attacking speed temporarily
Max Level: 15
1 MP -78 110 Seconds -1 Boost 2 MP -76 120 Seconds -1 Boost 3 MP -74 130 Seconds -1 Boost 4 MP -72 140 Seconds -1 Boost 5 MP -70 150 Seconds -1 Boost 6 MP -68 160 Seconds -1 Boost 7 MP -66 170 Seconds -1 Boost 8 MP -64 180 Seconds -1 Boost 9 MP -62 190 Seconds -1 Boost 10 MP -60 200 Seconds -1 Boost 11 MP -58 220 Seconds -2 Boost 12 MP -56 240 Seconds -2 Boost 13 MP -54 260 Seconds -2 Boost 14 MP -52 280 Seconds -2 Boost 15 MP -50 300 Seconds -2 Boost
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 15]\n일정 시간 동안 일정 확률로 적의 이동 속도를 낮춘다.
Fiel's Note: Slow: For a duration of time, allow your attacks to reduce your enemy's speed for a duration
Images: Effect, Mob
Max Level: 15
1 MP -20 Enemy speed -12 Slowed for 4 seconds 60 Seconds 11% Probability 2 MP -20 Enemy speed -14 70 Seconds 12% Probability Slowed for 4 seconds 3 MP -20 Enemy speed -16 80 Seconds 13% Probability Slowed for 4 seconds 4 MP -25 Enemy speed -18 90 Seconds 14% Probability Slowed for 4 seconds 5 MP -25 Enemy speed -20 100 Seconds 15% Probability Slowed for 4 seconds 6 MP -25 Enemy speed -22 110 Seconds 16% Probability Slowed for 8 seconds 7 MP -30 Enemy speed -24 120 Seconds 17% Probability Slowed for 8 seconds 8 MP -30 Enemy speed -26 130 Seconds 18% Probability Slowed for 8 seconds 9 MP -30 Enemy speed -28 140 Seconds 19% Probability Slowed for 8 seconds 10 MP -35 Enemy speed -30 150 Seconds 20% Probability Slowed for 8 seconds 11 MP -35 Enemy speed -32 150 Seconds 22% Probability Slowed for 12 seconds 12 MP -35 Enemy speed -34 150 Seconds 24% Probability Slowed for 12 seconds 13 MP -40 Enemy speed -36 150 Seconds 26% Probability Slowed for 12 seconds 14 MP -40 Enemy speed -38 150 Seconds 28% Probability Slowed for 12 seconds 15 MP -40 Enemy speed -40 150 Seconds 30% Probability Slowed for 12 seconds
7th Mastery (Level 80)
매직 엠플리피케이션
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 15]\n더 많은 MP를 소비하여 자신이 사용하는 모든 공격 마법을 증폭시킨다.
Fiel's Note: Magic Amplification: Consume more MP to increase your basic attack
Max Level: 15
1 +110% MP Consumption +106% Basic Attack 2 +115% MP Consumption +107% Basic Attack 3 +120% MP Consumption +108% Basic Attack 4 +125% MP Consumption +109% Basic Attack 5 +130% MP Consumption +110% Basic Attack 6 +135% MP Consumption +111% Basic Attack 7 +140% MP Consumption +112% Basic Attack 8 +145% MP Consumption +113% Basic Attack 9 +150% MP Consumption +114% Basic Attack 10 +155% MP Consumption +115% Basic Attack 11 +160% MP Consumption +127% Basic Attack 12 +165% MP Consumption +129% Basic Attack 13 +170% MP Consumption +131% Basic Attack 14 +175% MP Consumption +133% Basic Attack 15 +180% MP Consumption +135% Basic Attack
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n일정 시간 동안 화염을 모아 최대 6마리의 몬스터를 공격한다. 화염을 모으는 시간에 비례하여 데미지가 증가한다.
Fiel's Note: Dragon Breath: Bring flames together into a massive attack. Time to raise the flame is proportional to the damage. (fire element, range is similar to Fire Curtain)
Max Level: 20
1 MP -16 94 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 11% Probability x variable - 2 2 MP -16 12% Probability x variable - 2 Attacks 6 enemies 15% Mastery 98 Basic Attack 3 MP -16 13% Probability x variable - 2 Attacks 6 enemies 20% Mastery 102 Basic Attack 4 MP -16 14% Probability x variable - 2 Attacks 6 enemies 20% Mastery 106 Basic Attack 5 MP -19 15% Probability x variable - 2 Attacks 6 enemies 25% Mastery 110 Basic Attack 6 MP -19 16% Probability x variable - 3 Attacks 6 enemies 25% Mastery 114 Basic Attack 7 MP -19 17% Probability x variable - 3 Attacks 6 enemies 30% Mastery 118 Basic Attack 8 MP -19 18% Probability x variable - 3 Attacks 6 enemies 30% Mastery 122 Basic Attack 9 MP -22 19% Probability x variable - 3 Attacks 6 enemies 35% Mastery 126 Basic Attack 10 MP -22 20% Probability x variable - 3 Attacks 6 enemies 35% Mastery 130 Basic Attack 11 MP -22 21% Probability x variable - 4 Attacks 6 enemies 40% Mastery 134 Basic Attack 12 MP -22 22% Probability x variable - 4 Attacks 6 enemies 40% Mastery 138 Basic Attack 13 MP -25 23% Probability x variable - 4 Attacks 6 enemies 45% Mastery 142 Basic Attack 14 MP -25 24% Probability x variable - 4 Attacks 6 enemies 45% Mastery 146 Basic Attack 15 MP -25 25% Probability x variable - 4 Attacks 6 enemies 50% Mastery 150 Basic Attack 16 MP -25 26% Probability x variable - 5 Attacks 6 enemies 50% Mastery 154 Basic Attack 17 MP -28 27% Probability x variable - 5 Attacks 6 enemies 55% Mastery 158 Basic Attack 18 MP -28 28% Probability x variable - 5 Attacks 6 enemies 55% Mastery 162 Basic Attack 19 MP -28 29% Probability x variable - 5 Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 166 Basic Attack 20 MP -28 30% Probability x variable - 5 Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 170 Basic Attack
킬링 윙
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n원거리에 있는 하나의 적을 공격한다. 이후 모든 공격은 공격 받은 적에게 집중된다.
Fiel's Note: Killing Wing: Place a mark on your opponent. All future attacks are aimed at that opponent. (lt.x: -400, lt.y: -108, rb.x:15, rb.y:15
Images: Hit, Mob
Max Level: 20
1 MP -19 234 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 2 MP -19 238 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 3 MP -19 242 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 4 MP -19 246 Basic Attack 20% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 5 MP -23 250 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 6 MP -23 254 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 7 MP -23 258 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 8 MP -23 262 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 9 MP -27 266 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 10 MP -27 270 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 11 MP -27 274 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 12 MP -27 278 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 13 MP -31 282 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 14 MP -31 286 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 15 MP -31 290 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 16 MP -31 294 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 17 MP -35 298 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 18 MP -35 302 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 19 MP -35 306 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies 20 MP -35 310 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 1 enemies
매직 레지스턴스
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 10]\n일정 시간 동안 주위 파티원에게 적으로부터 받는 모든 마법 공격에 대한 내성을 갖는 버프를 시전한다.
Fiel's Note: Magic Resistance: Cast a buff on all party members to reduce the damage from magical attacks.
Images: Effect, Affected
Max Level: 10
1 MP -12 Magic Damage -2% 60 Seconds 2 Magic Damage -4% MP -12 70 Seconds 3 Magic Damage -6% MP -18 80 Seconds 4 Magic Damage -8% MP -18 90 Seconds 5 Magic Damage -10% MP -24 100 Seconds 6 Magic Damage -12% MP -24 110 Seconds 7 Magic Damage -14% MP -30 120 Seconds 8 Magic Damage -16% MP -30 130 Seconds 9 Magic Damage -18% MP -36 140 Seconds 10 Magic Damage -20% MP -36 150 Seconds
8th Mastery (Level 100)
드래곤 퓨리
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 10]\nMP가 일정 범위 내에서 유지될 때 드래곤의 집중력이 강해지면서 마력이 증가한다. MP가 범위를 벗어나게 되면 효과는 해제된다.
Fiel's Note: Dragon Fury: When your MP is kept in a certain range, gain a small boost to your power.
Max Level: 10
1 Min MP Threshold 50% Max MP Threshold 62% Base Attack +101% 2 Min MP Threshold 50% Max MP Threshold 64% Base Attack +102% 3 Min MP Threshold 50% Max MP Threshold 66% Base Attack +103% 4 Min MP Threshold 50% Max MP Threshold 68% Base Attack +104% 5 Min MP Threshold 50% Max MP Threshold 70% Base Attack +105% 6 Min MP Threshold 50% Max MP Threshold 72% Base Attack +106% 7 Min MP Threshold 50% Max MP Threshold 74% Base Attack +107% 8 Min MP Threshold 50% Max MP Threshold 76% Base Attack +108% 9 Min MP Threshold 50% Max MP Threshold 78% Base Attack +109% 10 Min MP Threshold 50% Max MP Threshold 80% Base Attack +110%
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n땅의 진동으로 주위의 다수의 적을 공격한다.
Fiel's Note: Earthquake: Smash your body into the earth to attack multiple enemies (fire elemental)
Max Level: 20
1 MP -19 153 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 5 enemies 2 MP -19 156 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 5 enemies 3 MP -19 159 Basic Attack 20% Mastery Attacks 5 enemies 4 MP -19 162 Basic Attack 20% Mastery Attacks 5 enemies 5 MP -22 165 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 5 enemies 6 MP -22 168 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 7 MP -22 171 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 8 MP -22 174 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 9 MP -25 177 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 MP -25 180 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 11 MP -25 183 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 7 enemies 12 MP -25 186 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 7 enemies 13 MP -28 189 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 7 enemies 14 MP -28 192 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 7 enemies 15 MP -28 195 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 7 enemies 16 MP -28 198 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 8 enemies 17 MP -31 201 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 8 enemies 18 MP -31 204 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 8 enemies 19 MP -31 207 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 8 enemies 20 MP -31 210 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 8 enemies
고스트 레터링
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n마법진을 생성해 적에게 저주를 걸어 데미지를 입힌다. 저주에 걸린 적은 5초 동안 더 많은 데미지를 받는다.
Fiel's Note: Ghost Lettering: Curse a monster using ghostly letters. For a certain time after the monster is cursed, it takes more damage. (Credit to Phail for translation)
Max Level: 20
1 MP -24 274 Basic Attack 15% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 1 2 MP -24 278 Basic Attack 15% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 1 3 MP -24 282 Basic Attack 20% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 1 4 MP -24 286 Basic Attack 20% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 1 5 MP -28 290 Basic Attack 25% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 2 6 MP -28 294 Basic Attack 25% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 2 7 MP -28 298 Basic Attack 30% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 2 8 MP -28 302 Basic Attack 30% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 2 9 MP -32 306 Basic Attack 35% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 3 10 MP -32 310 Basic Attack 35% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 3 11 MP -32 314 Basic Attack 40% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 3 12 MP -32 318 Basic Attack 40% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 3 13 MP -36 322 Basic Attack 45% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 4 14 MP -36 326 Basic Attack 45% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 4 15 MP -36 330 Basic Attack 50% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 4 16 MP -36 334 Basic Attack 50% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 4 17 MP -40 338 Basic Attack 55% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 5 18 MP -40 342 Basic Attack 55% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 5 19 MP -40 346 Basic Attack 60% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 5 20 MP -40 350 Basic Attack 60% Mastery 5 Seconds x value - 5
리커버리 오로라
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 15]\n30초 동안 자신의 주변에 오로라를 만들고, 그 안에 있는 파티 전원의 MP를 지속적으로 회복시킨다. \n재사용 대기시간 : 1분
Fiel's Note: Aurora Recovery: All party members in the aura receive MP Recovery
Max Level: 15
1 MP -18 30 Seconds x value - 13 60 Seconds Cooldown 2 MP -18 x value - 16 30 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 3 MP -18 x value - 19 30 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 4 MP -22 x value - 22 30 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 5 MP -22 x value - 25 30 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 6 MP -22 x value - 28 30 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 7 MP -26 x value - 31 30 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 8 MP -26 x value - 34 30 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 9 MP -26 x value - 37 30 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 10 MP -30 x value - 40 30 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 11 MP -30 x value - 43 30 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 12 MP -30 x value - 46 30 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 13 MP -34 x value - 49 30 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 14 MP -34 x value - 52 30 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 15 MP -34 x value - 55 30 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown
9th Mastery (Level 120)
매직 마스터리
Description: 마법 숙련도와 마력을 향상시킨다.
Fiel's Note: Magic Mastery: Increase your skill mastery and basic attack
Invisible: Yes
Max Level: 30
1 65% Mastery +0 Basic Attack 2 65% Mastery +1 Basic Attack 3 65% Mastery +1 Basic Attack 4 65% Mastery +2 Basic Attack 5 65% Mastery +2 Basic Attack 6 70% Mastery +3 Basic Attack 7 70% Mastery +3 Basic Attack 8 70% Mastery +4 Basic Attack 9 70% Mastery +4 Basic Attack 10 70% Mastery +5 Basic Attack 11 75% Mastery +5 Basic Attack 12 75% Mastery +6 Basic Attack 13 75% Mastery +6 Basic Attack 14 75% Mastery +7 Basic Attack 15 75% Mastery +7 Basic Attack 16 80% Mastery +8 Basic Attack 17 80% Mastery +8 Basic Attack 18 80% Mastery +9 Basic Attack 19 80% Mastery +9 Basic Attack 20 80% Mastery +10 Basic Attack 21 85% Mastery +10 Basic Attack 22 85% Mastery +11 Basic Attack 23 85% Mastery +11 Basic Attack 24 85% Mastery +12 Basic Attack 25 85% Mastery +12 Basic Attack 26 90% Mastery +13 Basic Attack 27 90% Mastery +13 Basic Attack 28 90% Mastery +14 Basic Attack 29 90% Mastery +14 Basic Attack 30 90% Mastery +15 Basic Attack
메이플 용사
Description: 일정 시간 동안 파티원의 모든 스탯을 일정 퍼센트 올려 준다.
Fiel's Note: Maple Hero: No surprises here.
Invisible: Yes
Max Level: 30
1 MP -10 1% Boost to base stats 30 Seconds 2 MP -10 1% Boost to base stats 60 Seconds 3 MP -10 2% Boost to base stats 90 Seconds 4 MP -10 2% Boost to base stats 120 Seconds 5 MP -10 3% Boost to base stats 150 Seconds 6 MP -20 3% Boost to base stats 180 Seconds 7 MP -20 4% Boost to base stats 210 Seconds 8 MP -20 4% Boost to base stats 240 Seconds 9 MP -20 5% Boost to base stats 270 Seconds 10 MP -20 5% Boost to base stats 300 Seconds 11 MP -30 6% Boost to base stats 330 Seconds 12 MP -30 6% Boost to base stats 360 Seconds 13 MP -30 7% Boost to base stats 390 Seconds 14 MP -30 7% Boost to base stats 420 Seconds 15 MP -30 8% Boost to base stats 450 Seconds 16 MP -40 8% Boost to base stats 480 Seconds 17 MP -40 9% Boost to base stats 510 Seconds 18 MP -40 9% Boost to base stats 540 Seconds 19 MP -40 10% Boost to base stats 570 Seconds 20 MP -40 10% Boost to base stats 600 Seconds 21 MP -50 11% Boost to base stats 630 Seconds 22 MP -50 11% Boost to base stats 660 Seconds 23 MP -50 12% Boost to base stats 690 Seconds 24 MP -50 12% Boost to base stats 720 Seconds 25 MP -50 13% Boost to base stats 750 Seconds 26 MP -60 13% Boost to base stats 780 Seconds 27 MP -60 14% Boost to base stats 810 Seconds 28 MP -60 14% Boost to base stats 840 Seconds 29 MP -60 15% Boost to base stats 870 Seconds 30 MP -60 15% Boost to base stats 900 Seconds
Description: 드래곤의 분신이 하나의 적을 4번 공격한다.
Fiel's Note: Illusion: Attack a single enemy four times, once with each of your duplicates. (lt.x: -400, lt.y: -108, rb.x: 15, rb.y: 15)
Images: Hit
Mastery Level: 10
Max Level: 30
1 MP -28 81 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 2 MP -28 82 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 3 MP -28 83 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 4 MP -28 84 Basic Attack 20% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 5 MP -28 85 Basic Attack 20% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 6 MP -32 86 Basic Attack 20% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 7 MP -32 87 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 8 MP -32 88 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 9 MP -32 89 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 10 MP -32 90 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 11 MP -36 91 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 12 MP -36 92 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 13 MP -36 93 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 14 MP -36 94 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 15 MP -36 95 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 16 MP -40 96 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 17 MP -40 97 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 18 MP -40 98 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 19 MP -40 99 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 20 MP -40 100 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 21 MP -44 102 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 22 MP -44 104 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 23 MP -44 106 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 24 MP -44 108 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 25 MP -44 110 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 26 MP -48 112 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 27 MP -48 114 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 28 MP -48 116 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 29 MP -48 118 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies 30 MP -48 120 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 4 Times Attacks 1 enemies
플레임 휠
Description: 바퀴 형상의 불덩어리를 시전하여 최대 6마리 적에게 불 속성 데미지를 준다.
Fiel's Note: Flame Wheel: Cast a wheel shaped firewall to attack up to six enemies in front of you (fire elemental) (lt.x: -750, lt.y: -100, rb.x: -40, rb.y: 0)
Images: Effect
Invisible: Yes
Max Level: 30
1 MP -22 203 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 2 MP -22 206 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 3 MP -22 209 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 4 MP -22 212 Basic Attack 20% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 5 MP -22 215 Basic Attack 20% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 6 MP -26 218 Basic Attack 20% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 7 MP -26 221 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 8 MP -26 224 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 9 MP -26 227 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 MP -26 230 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 11 MP -30 233 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 12 MP -30 236 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 13 MP -30 239 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 14 MP -30 242 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 15 MP -30 245 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 16 MP -34 248 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 17 MP -34 251 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 18 MP -34 254 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 19 MP -34 257 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 20 MP -34 260 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 21 MP -38 264 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 22 MP -38 268 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 23 MP -38 272 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 24 MP -38 276 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 25 MP -38 280 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 26 MP -42 284 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 27 MP -42 288 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 28 MP -42 292 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 29 MP -42 296 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 30 MP -42 300 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies
용사의 의지
Description: 특정 상태 이상에서 벗어날 수 있다. 레벨이 올라감에 따라 재사용 대기시간이 단축된다.
Fiel's Note: Awakening: Use MP to escape from certain status ailments. The higher the level of this skill, the more ailments you can recover from.
Invisible: Yes
Max Level: 5
1 MP -30 600 Seconds Cooldown 2 MP -30 540 Seconds Cooldown 3 MP -30 480 Seconds Cooldown 4 MP -30 420 Seconds Cooldown 5 MP -30 360 Seconds Cooldown
10th Mastery (Level 160)
오닉스의 축복
Description: 1분간 물리 방어력, 마법 방어력, 데미지를 증가시키는 버프를 시전한다\n재사용 대기시간 : 3분
Fiel's Note: Onix's Blessing: Increase the weapon defense, magic defense, and magic attack.
Mastery Level: 10
Max Level: 30
1 MP -22 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +42 WDEF +42 MDEF +21 MATK 2 MP -24 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +44 WDEF +44 MDEF +22 MATK 3 MP -26 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +46 WDEF +46 MDEF +23 MATK 4 MP -28 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +48 WDEF +48 MDEF +24 MATK 5 MP -30 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +50 WDEF +50 MDEF +25 MATK 6 MP -32 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +52 WDEF +52 MDEF +26 MATK 7 MP -34 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +54 WDEF +54 MDEF +27 MATK 8 MP -36 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +56 WDEF +56 MDEF +28 MATK 9 MP -38 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +58 WDEF +58 MDEF +29 MATK 10 MP -40 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +60 WDEF +60 MDEF +30 MATK 11 MP -42 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +62 WDEF +62 MDEF +31 MATK 12 MP -44 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +64 WDEF +64 MDEF +32 MATK 13 MP -46 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +66 WDEF +66 MDEF +33 MATK 14 MP -48 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +68 WDEF +68 MDEF +34 MATK 15 MP -50 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +70 WDEF +70 MDEF +35 MATK 16 MP -52 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +72 WDEF +72 MDEF +36 MATK 17 MP -54 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +74 WDEF +74 MDEF +37 MATK 18 MP -56 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +76 WDEF +76 MDEF +38 MATK 19 MP -58 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +78 WDEF +78 MDEF +39 MATK 20 MP -60 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +80 WDEF +80 MDEF +40 MATK 21 MP -62 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +82 WDEF +82 MDEF +41 MATK 22 MP -64 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +84 WDEF +84 MDEF +42 MATK 23 MP -66 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +86 WDEF +86 MDEF +43 MATK 24 MP -68 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +88 WDEF +88 MDEF +44 MATK 25 MP -70 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +90 WDEF +90 MDEF +45 MATK 26 MP -72 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +92 WDEF +92 MDEF +46 MATK 27 MP -74 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +94 WDEF +94 MDEF +47 MATK 28 MP -76 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +96 WDEF +96 MDEF +48 MATK 29 MP -78 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +98 WDEF +98 MDEF +49 MATK 30 MP -80 60 Seconds 180 Seconds Cooldown +100 WDEF +100 MDEF +50 MATK
Description: 강력한 화염으로 하나의 적에게 불 속성 공격을 한다.공격 받은 적의 주위에 다른 적이 있으면 추가로 데미지를 입는다.
Fiel's Note: Blaze: Attack a single enemy with a ball of fire. The ball of fire jumps to surrounding enemies if present (Think Chain Lightning, but with FIYAH) (fire elemental)
Mastery Level: 10
Max Level: 30
1 MP -24 223 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 2 MP -24 226 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 3 MP -24 229 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 4 MP -24 232 Basic Attack 20% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 5 MP -24 235 Basic Attack 20% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 6 MP -28 238 Basic Attack 20% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 7 MP -28 241 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 8 MP -28 244 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 9 MP -28 247 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 10 MP -28 250 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 4 enemies 11 MP -32 253 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 5 enemies 12 MP -32 256 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 5 enemies 13 MP -32 259 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 5 enemies 14 MP -32 262 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 5 enemies 15 MP -32 265 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 5 enemies 16 MP -36 268 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 5 enemies 17 MP -36 271 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 5 enemies 18 MP -36 274 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 5 enemies 19 MP -36 277 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 5 enemies 20 MP -36 280 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 5 enemies 21 MP -40 284 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 22 MP -40 288 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 23 MP -40 292 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 24 MP -40 296 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 25 MP -40 300 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 26 MP -44 304 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 27 MP -44 308 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 28 MP -44 312 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 29 MP -44 316 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 30 MP -44 320 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies
Description: 주변의 어둠의 원소들을 모아 차갑고 어두운 안개를 만들어 최대 15마리의 적을 공격한다.\n재사용 대기시간 : 1분
Fiel's Note: Dark Fog: Unleash the cold, darkness of the fog on up to 15 of your foes (dark element) (lt.x: -400, lt.y: -600, rb.x: 400, rb.y: 0)
Images: Effect
Invisible: Yes
Max Level: 30
1 Attacks 15 enemies 460 Basic Attack 15% Mastery MP -110 60 Seconds Cooldown 2 MP -120 470 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 3 MP -130 480 Basic Attack 15% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 4 MP -140 490 Basic Attack 20% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 5 MP -150 500 Basic Attack 20% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 6 MP -160 510 Basic Attack 20% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 7 MP -170 520 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 8 MP -180 530 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 9 MP -190 540 Basic Attack 25% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 10 MP -200 550 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 11 MP -210 560 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 12 MP -220 570 Basic Attack 30% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 13 MP -230 580 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 14 MP -240 590 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 15 MP -250 600 Basic Attack 35% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 16 MP -260 610 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 17 MP -270 620 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 18 MP -280 630 Basic Attack 40% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 19 MP -290 640 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 20 MP -300 650 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 21 MP -310 660 Basic Attack 45% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 22 MP -320 670 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 23 MP -330 680 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 24 MP -340 690 Basic Attack 50% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 25 MP -350 700 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 26 MP -360 710 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 27 MP -370 720 Basic Attack 55% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 28 MP -380 730 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 29 MP -390 740 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 30 MP -400 750 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown
Description: 영혼을 담을 수 있는 버프를 시전한다. 영혼이 담긴채로 죽게되면 죽은 곳에서 바로 부활하게 된다. 파티원 중 무작위로 1~2 명에게 버프가 시전된다.\n재사용 대기시간 : 10분
Fiel's Note: Soul Stone: A buff is cast on one or two party members, which are chosen at RANDOM. If they die while the buff is in effect, they resurrect immediately at the spot (Credit to Serendipity for translation)
Images: Affected
Invisible: Yes
Max Level: 20
1 MP -10 110 Seconds 12% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 1 2 MP -10 120 Seconds 14% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 1 3 MP -20 130 Seconds 16% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 1 4 MP -20 140 Seconds 18% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 1 5 MP -30 150 Seconds 20% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 1 6 MP -30 160 Seconds 22% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 1 7 MP -40 170 Seconds 24% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 1 8 MP -40 180 Seconds 26% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 1 9 MP -50 190 Seconds 28% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 1 10 MP -50 200 Seconds 30% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 1 11 MP -60 210 Seconds 32% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 2 12 MP -60 220 Seconds 34% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 2 13 MP -70 230 Seconds 36% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 2 14 MP -70 240 Seconds 38% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 2 15 MP -80 250 Seconds 40% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 2 16 MP -80 260 Seconds 42% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 2 17 MP -90 270 Seconds 44% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 2 18 MP -90 280 Seconds 46% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 2 19 MP -100 290 Seconds 48% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 2 20 MP -100 300 Seconds 50% HP Recovery 600 Seconds Cooldown Resurrect 2