Originally Posted by Nexon
Now for hoarding 9,9k NX... This will come in conflict with my savings for an ewand5, but I have until level 130 for that...
Are they retarded?
"...are only 9,900 for infinite number of days!"
That means they'll be 9,900 forever. I don't think that's what nexon meant.
Mmmmmmm White Tiger!
Now I regret spending my nx on permanent clothes, lol.
This only seems worth it if you don't already own a pet. If I buy a perma pet it won't pay for itself until next February at the earliest, assuming I keep playing MS and buying Water of Lifes as soon as my pet expires.
Y'know, I wish we woulda known about this back when Kino first came out; when it was in the package. Now it just seems like it would be a waste to get a Perma Kino (and I don't care for the other two pets being offered).
Soooo where are the perma collar, leash and chew toy equips Oopia said were coming?
B> perma pet equips.
So they're basically having the sale forever?
Now to just release an ultra water of life for existing pets to make them permanent. I am NOT going to buy another pet, just because it's perma, when i already own 10. Help me make my current pets permanent Nexon.
I still want perma pet equips.
I'd love to be able to have a pet on each of my various accounts and be able to play them when I want or alternate playing them at the same time. Also if I buy a pet I expect to be able to use them on EVERY character I make on my account...stuff the individual CS for Cygnus/Aran/Adventurer.