I tried making a new character in Broa and got this message:
Anyone else seen this?
I tried making a new character in Broa and got this message:
Anyone else seen this?
That happened to me, when I logged off like an hour ago. I just clicked "End Game" and went to watch TV.
I think they do that every time they want to d/c everyone at the login screen and make them download the new gameguard update. It's funny how both options do the same thing.
Edit: It just happened to me, and I wasn't making a new character or anything, just logged out and got the message.
Wow, that sucks. I never thought they would stop character creations but I guess this is a way to get more people in the emptier servers. I'll try to create a new character once I get the motivation to log on >_>.
For some reason, this reminds me of Magus' siggy, lol.
And its been around for ages. Scania people got it randomly back in the day, lols.
Really, its for a Game Guard update? Its very misleading when it says you can't make a character in the server >_>. They should just say update your Game Guard.
It's for gameguard to update, close maple.
I got that when i logged out of scania also.
Ya, logged out of bello to go to windia and I got that message. I pressed restart then I downloaded some gameguard update.
We need this again. ._.
Scania is over crowded, is it not? I don't play there, but I'm sure the people would like some breathing room. <_<
Bera and Broa don't exist, but I imagine they'd be crowded too, if they did.