Results 1 to 16 of 16
  1. Default Summer is the Best Time to Join the MapleStory Fun

  2. Default

    wow nice, much better than the abusable "get free nx when your char reaches lvl 20" event

  3. Default

    I have like 94/100 buddies, lol.


  4. ☆ ♥ ツ Straight Female
    IGN: QuIt!!!
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 184
    Job: ♥Bishop
    Guild: QUIT!
    Alliance: quit quit QUIT


    Um... Delete and re-add?

  5. Default

    Ain't that just for the new people?

    You can always read add 'em.

  6. ~Thrust Into It~ Straight Male
    IGN: Sn1perel1te
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 152
    Job: Old School BM
    Guild: EbonSol
    Alliance: In One


    Willing to bet that the items from Event 1 will last only 1 week, and the pet from Event 2 will only last for 5 days

  7. Default

    Willing to bet it's a 90 day pet with no accessories
    Last edited by Sarah; 2009-07-14 at 09:06 PM.

  8. Default

    Hmmm looks like its time to make another account and add all my mules to each other..

  9. Default

    My friend is going to love this. He makes a level 35 character in 3 hours. Lots of NX for him.

  10. Default

    Is this event repeatable???

    Isn't it just smart to make just one new account to get the free cash items?
    Just saying...

  11. Default

    Why would you want a bunch of NX equips that every other noob is wearing, on a new character that you probably won't play? Better to do it on an existing account if possible.

  12. Default

    Well, I've tested out Event numero uno, and Nexon is "kind of" smart this time. No abusing because the code's specifically designed (only 18 character code, not the normal 20) to only work on the account you created it on.

    Also, the nx equips lasts 90 days just to point out.
    Last edited by Aggravate; 2009-07-15 at 03:03 PM.

  13. Default

    I made a new character and leveled it up to 20, but i can't find my free pet! Does anyone know how you receive it?

  14. Default

    Noone said you would get things instantly. Rewards probably won't be given out until the SC after you 'achieve' them.

  15. ~Thrust Into It~ Straight Male
    IGN: Sn1perel1te
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 152
    Job: Old School BM
    Guild: EbonSol
    Alliance: In One


    Also, its a new account as far as I can tell from what they say, so a new char on an existing account wont work.



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