KMST changed up the cutscene introduction on Aran. With it includes a render of Lienne.
Lienne (screen stretching)
Other stuff from intro
Not all of the following NPCs are from Lienne! Some are placed in other areas.
늑대 우두머리
Wolf Leader
"늑대는 함부로 말하지 않는 법..."
"Wolves do not speak thoughtlessly..."
파수꾼 늑대
Watch Wolf
"늑대는 함부로 말하지 않는 법이라고 대장님이 말씀하셨다."
"Boss said wolves do not speak carelessly."
티티티 - 보석장인 예티
Tititi - Jewelcrafter Yeti
"예티는 보석 좋아한다."
"Yeti likes jewels."
"예티는... 예티는... 어? 뭐라고 하려고 했더라?"
"Yeti... Yeti... Uh? What was I going to say?"
"예티는 슬프다. 예티는 도둑이 싫다."
"Yeti is sad. Yeti doesn't like thief."
"예티 당신에게 고맙다고 말한다."
"Yeti says thank you to you."
무명 - 그림자 무사
Nameless - Shadow Warrior
피난민 세 명
Three Refugees
길 잃은 아이
Lost Child
Helena (Athena Pierce)
"이제 출발해야 해요! 서두르세요!"
"We have to depart now! Please hurry!"
"저를 좀 도와주시겠어요?"
"Will you help me out?"
"모험에는 용감해도 사랑 앞에서는 용기가...."
"I'm brave in adventures, but my courage in love is..."
"사랑하는 사람에게 만우절의 거짓말인 듯 고백해볼까요?"
"Should I confess to someone as if April Fool's?
"나는 명예의 신을 모시고 있소.달리어라고 하오. 당신은 혹시 칭호에 대해 아시오?"
"I serve the god of honor. I am called Dallier. Do you, by any chance, know about titles?"
"이몸은 달리어라고 하오. 각 마을을 돌며 명예의 신에게 선택받을 용사를 찾고 있소."
"I am named Dallier. I make my rounds around each town to find heroes to be selected by the god of honor."
"나는 명예를 얻을 용사들을 선별하는 일을 하고 있다오."
"I am doing the work of selecting heroes to gain honor."
"그대의 시험을 마치고 오시오. 그대가 명예를 받을 자격이 있는지는 내가 명예의 신을 대신해 판단하겠소."
"Come back after finishing your test. I will determine in place of the god of honor if you deserve to receive honor."
"메달을 얻을 수 있는 자격은 아무에게나 주어지지 않소."
"The qualifications to earn a medal are not given to just anyone."
주인을 기다리는 늑대
Wolf Waiting for its Owner
"끙.. 끄응...."
"*groaning noise*"
Maple Administrator
New Equips
고고학자의 모자
Cap - All classes
Required Level: 13
Weapon Attack: +1
Magic Attack: +1
STR: +1
DEX: +1
INT: +1
LUK: +1
10 Slots
Time Limited
고고학자의 모자
Cap - All classes
Required Level: 13
Weapon Attack: +1
Magic Attack: +1
STR: +3
DEX: +3
INT: +3
LUK: +3
10 Slots
고고학자의 안경
Eye Accessory - All classes
Required Level: 13
Weapon Attack: +1
Magic Attack: +1
STR: +1
DEX: +1
INT: +1
LUK: +1
3 Slots
Time Limited
Cannot resell to merchants
고고학자의 안경
Eye Accessory - All classes
Required Level: 13
Weapon Attack: +1
Magic Attack: +1
STR: +3
DEX: +3
INT: +3
LUK: +3
3 Slots
Cannot resell to merchants
2009 여름 소년의 훈장
Medal - All classes
Weapon Attack: +5
Magic Attack: +8
Time Limited
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
2009 여름 소녀의 훈장
Medal - All classes
Weapon Attack: +5
Magic Attack: +8
Time Limited
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
초보 모험가의 훈장
Medal - All classes
Required Level: 8
HP: +50
MP: +50
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
주니어 모험가의 훈장
Medal - All classes
Required Level: 30
HP: +100
MP: +100
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
베테랑 모험가의 훈장
Medal - All classes
Required Level: 70
STR: +1
DEX: +1
INT: +1
LUK: +1
HP: +150
MP: +150
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
마스터 모험가의 훈장
Medal - All classes
Required Level: 120
STR: +2
DEX: +2
INT: +2
LUK: +2
HP: +200
MP: +200
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
정상에 서본 자의 훈장
Medal - All classes
Required Level: 20
Speed: +5
Jump: +5
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
빅토리아 탐험가의 훈장
Medal - All classes
Required Level: 10
HP: +120
MP: +120
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
엘나스 산맥 탐험가의 훈장
Medal - All classes
HP: +120
MP: +120
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
루더스 호수 탐험가의 훈장
Medal - All classes
Required Level: 10
HP: +120
MP: +120
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
해저 탐험가의 훈장
Medal - All classes
Required Level: 10
HP: +120
MP: +120
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
무릉도원 탐험가의 훈장
Medal - All classes
Required Level: 10
HP: +120
MP: +120
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
미나르 숲 탐험가의 훈장
Medal - All classes
Required Level: 10
HP: +120
MP: +120
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
오시리아 탐험가의 훈장
Medal - All classes
Required Level: 10
STR: +1
DEX: +1
INT: +1
LUK: +1
HP: +250
MP: +250
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
메이플 탐험가의 훈장
Medal - All classes
Required Level: 10
STR: +1
DEX: +1
INT: +1
LUK: +1
HP: +400
MP: +250
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
명예 메소레인저 2기의 훈장
Medal - All classes
STR: +1
DEX: +1
INT: +1
LUK: +1
Speed: +10
Jump: +5
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
유물 대회 Top10의 훈장
Medal - All classes
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
신비로운 유물 발견자의 훈장
Medal - All classes
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
Starting outfit for Aran
Note that the Aran race cannot choose their skin color. They can choose face & hair type though
수수한 무사 상의
Coat - All classes
WDEF: +3
7 Slots
수수한 무사 하의
Pants - All classes
WDEF: +2
7 Slots
수수한 무사 신발
Shoes - All classes
WDEF: +2
5 Slots
기본 폴암
Polearm - All classes
Weapon Attack: +22
7 Slots
Looks like you're gonna have a way to store your medals
How to get Medals, anonymously translated info from Insoya
New BGMs: