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  1. Default Pirate Maple Weapons

    Just in case people were wondering...


    level 35 is 36 ATK, 16 Avoid
    level 43 is 44 ATK, 20 Avoid, 3 DEX
    level 64 is 60 ATK, 25 Avoid, 5 DEX, +100 HP

    All of them are Fast(5)


    level 35 is 38 ATK, 10 Accuracy
    level 43 is 46 ATK, 20 Accuracy, 3 STR
    level 64 is 60 ATK, 30 Accuracy, 5 STR, +100 HP

    All are Fast(5)

  2. Default

    All useless in the face of level 90+ weapons. Though I must say, 5 dex, 25 avoid, and 100 HP isn't too shabby.

  3. Default

    They are no end game weapon, but definitely not useless.

  4. Default

    Wow, awesome stats. Thanks for the info.

    Definitely need those for my brawler.

  5. Default

    Well, they're good for dexless and strless users at least.

  6. Default

    Pray tell, what's a good use for them then? Other than for low levels to show off their EPIC DMGZ

  7. Default

    Why do people keep mentioning lvl 90+ weapons o.O

    And dang, those Gunslingers would luv Nexon for adding HP xD

  8. Default

    i'm so mass scrolling the level 64 ones with maple scrolls!

  9. Default

    Indeed I will. I'm gonna use Mas to hunt at Cold Eyes for guns and Chaos scrolls, and try to chaos one to have more than 150-200HP.

  10. Default

    *imagines you scrolling a 50hp, 90 atk and calling it fail*

    OT: 100 hp will be really nice for those trying to get to windraiders

  11. Default

    Omg I would cry :(

  12. Default

    I'm going to mass hunt the Level 64 Guns too! Omg, I'm excited for that extra HP!

    I think most of them wouldn't even last that long to find the true damage of a Gunslinger.
    Last edited by slvr92; 2009-05-05 at 07:12 PM.

  13. Default

    by the way, what stats do the maple scrolls add anyways?

  14. Default

    From what I gather from the other thread:

    40% maple scrolls = 40% pass 48% fail 12% break, +3 primary bonus, +2 secondary bonus

    20%s are the same as the 30%s for capes but with 20% pass 74% fail 6% break? Not sure.

  15. Default

    Hunting for a specific maple weapon is a bad, bad idea. Since all Maple weapons drop from all monsters, you can get a weapon pretty easy, but getting a specific one from three sets of nearly every item is not a good idea.

    Of course, you could just trade another maple weapon for one of those. That would work better.

  16. Default

    EDIT: really, you can trade maple weapons for different maple weapons? so i can trade a nishada for a kandiva for example?

    basically they're 30%s with different break rates and (slightly) different pass rates?

  17. Default

    You misunderstood. What I was saying is you could go into the fm and say, "Hey, I'll trade you this lvl 64 claw for that lvl 64 gun."

  18. Default

    You were always able to trade Maple weapons.

  19. Default

    oh, that makes more sense...

    and i thought he meant trade as in you go to Gaga or Cassandra or w/e and theres an option to give him the crossbow for the bow



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