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See link in forum - You must sign in to Vote or it will only show you the current results. Get your vote in before it locks for real:
Yeah I'm not advocating that one.
Sheep + Ticket System + "Suggestions", well, we already know what happens when you give the masses a reason to use the ticketing system thanks to Tespia... I'd rather not have real issues buried under "WHAT COLORS ARE COPPER DARKES LOL? and "WHAT YOU CALL PIGGEH ON FIRE?".
Enough they're already being bombarded with MapleGuide applicatins when people were specficially told it's not time and that's not how.
Wow, they chose my name suggestion and it's winning! Go me. :D
Oh. And here I thought I was special. :(
Ah well. Maple Watch is still a great name though.
EDIT: Actually only one other person suggested it before me, and their post was on the first page. Mine's on the 23rd... >.>
Last edited by Tikey; 2009-04-28 at 10:21 PM.
Brawler; Level 30: Q: What object does a Brawler always have on hand to help them hide? (Hint: Not a cardboard box. That would just be silly) A: Barrel
Lol MGS reference in their example <_<
Well hey, you want watchers that aren't retarded right? This is the perfect indirect way to do it.
Edit: Here's my question submission.
Buccaneer; Level 12x: Q: What skills and/or combination of skills allow a buccaneer to be invincible of all monster attacks and damage for any amount of time, except for status affect attacks? A: Corkscrew blow, barrage, demolition, and backspin blow. Combination of Corkscrew, *any attack*, corkscrew/backspin, and another attack (usually barrage) allow for complete invincibility during attacks.
Chief bandit; Level 7x: Q: Explain in full detail how the skill 'Meso Guard works. Also please specify if and/or at what level said skill saves you money and why. A: The skill halves ALL damage taken by 50% at ALL levels, and takes a % of that damage, defined in the skill description, and takes it out of your mesos. It saves money at all levels regardless of situation.
Last edited by Takebacker; 2009-04-28 at 11:33 PM.
Really I don't see the submit-a-question helping much as the actual questions that get picked. Especially not when GMs are going to have to sort through them to weed out the moron from the mundane and magnificent.
Better here than SW or Basil that he did that though.
Much lower monkey to human ratio here.
My account is locked out due to open ticket so I can't actually submit questions >_>
Q: Why is the Headless Horseman riding a pink horse?
A: It's his old friend Lefaye who was turned into a horse by Dr. Krakia
Q: What's the only Fast Blunt Weapon over level 100?
A: Trick question, there isn't one
Q: What do the Versalians decorate at Christmas?
A: A cactus!
e: At Takebacker, your 2nd question is not 100% correct. High HP bandits save money by leaving MG off since they can use percentage pots more efficiently. (borderline is around 6000 hp iirc)
With all due respect, asking questions about specific game mechanics is a pretty silly idea. There are plenty of helpful people who don't know these things. You want questions that just show that the applicant has a general level of intelligence and has been around for long enough that the questions would seem obvious. I think the questions should be something that can easily be looked up with a little effort. Stereo's last question is a great example.
Q: What is the name of the main boss in Leafre?
A: Horntail
Q: How many bosses do you have to fight in the Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest?
A: 4
Q: What is the name of the leader of the Leafre village?
A: Tatamo
It'd be more than enough to keep out the total idiots, believe me.
Last edited by Dusk; 2009-04-29 at 12:15 AM.
If a GM/watcher sees a buccaneer/shadower and doesn't know s'hit about game mechanics enough to see us not getting hit and ban us because they don't know invincibility frames exist, so f'ucking help me i'll drive a week and down 100 gallons of gas to rape every single GM over there for not knowing the game they police.
If you saw a 17x buccaneer or shadower standing in the middle of zaks body not being hit with minimal knowledge about how the game worked, what would you think? Ban? I THINK SO! *presses button*
This whole system screams disaster if the quiz doesn't have questions like this.
Edit: I hope you see where i'm coming from. I'm getting to 12x this summer or bust. I have to make sure nothing happens to make my time and money void.
Meh, I'm in the same boat as Stereo, open ticket from almost 8 months ago.
Yeah, I'd rather if people knew how game mechanics worked...We don't need people seeing Corsairs "Fly hack".
-Starts to study up on everything and everyone in the game-